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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] cdi porting kit for glassfish

Adding glassfish-dev for their input...

Passing 1,833 of these tests is good progress Guru!  :-)

To reproduce these failures, would someone just git clone and do something like:

cd cditck-porting
. docker/
. docker/


On 7/16/20 2:49 AM, Gurunandan wrote:

We have upgraded cditck-porting kit for glassfish with Jakarta EE 9 technologies and CDI TCK 3.0. Latest Jenkins run for the porting kit can be found here -
There are 1,833 tests run, 16 failures and 24 skipped test with latest run.
For 8 test failure, there are CDI deployment error related to CDI TCK code.

Details of CDI deployment error as follows:


org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.inheritance.broken.binding.Messerschmitt    Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.inheritance.broken.binding.Messerschmitt org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor.FinalClassClassLevelMissile    Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor.FinalClassClassLevelMissile org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor.FinalClassMethodLevelMissile    Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor.FinalClassMethodLevelMissile org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final:  InjectionTarget for Managed Bean [class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.decorators.definition.broken.finalBeanMethod.MockLogger] with qualifiers [@Any @Default]    Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001503: Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final: InjectionTarget for Managed Bean [class org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.decorators.definition.broken.finalBeanMethod.MockLogger] with qualifiers [@Any @Default]


github porting kit Repository link - Test report  link-

Has anyone come across similar failures with CDI TCK before?



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