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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Platform TCK status for EE 9

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 5:32 PM Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Scott Marlow:

For the milestone releases that Scott Stark mentions (below), I am checking on the status/plan to update the Eclipse GlassFish porting kits. They do not appear to be updated yet. I'll try to give an estimate for completing that work soon.

Thank you Ed!  

Is any active validation going to be required for Jakarta Batch? I believe that the tests are copied into the Platform TCK under the batch stage.

The Jakarta Batch tests are under the batch stage (src/com/ibm/jbatch).  How and who is familiar with validating Jakarta Batch?  Perhaps the batch lead?  Or someone else in the community?  Would the steps be to compare the GlassFish batch TCK results from 5.1 versus 6.0 and verify that the test count is the same?  Something else?  Should we have tracking validation issues for each TCK, that block the final release of the Platform TCK 9.0.0?

I think that any tracking issues that do block 9.0.0, should be linked to

It may be that we can consider the transform for the stand-alone TCK and the Platform TCK tests to be converted without a detailed validation.

As mentioned above, can you give an example of a minimal (shallow) validation, versus a detailed validation?

However, I'm not able to make a determination on that.

Please do give us an idea of the steps involved for a detailed versus not detailed validation.  Perhaps create a validation tracking issue, that captures your explanation.  If we need issues per TCK, perhaps we could have one top level tracking issue that depends on separate validation per TCK issues.

Just trying to see if anyone has discussed this and if any action needs to be taken specific to this, in the Platform TCK.

If I understand correctly, we are talking about how we validate the GlassFish 6.0 TCK results, is that right?

My preference for how we drive everything is via issues that are either considered blocking or non-blocking (for the 9.0.0 release.)  

Organizationally, it may help to also have a Kanban board for the blocking issues ( is for blocking issues currently).  Should we also track non-blocking issues as well, via a separate Kanban board?

Activation 2.0, Standalone TCK candidate release is available. Activation CI is verified and you have provided those details elsewhere.

Jakarta Mail 2.0 -- I'm checking on the status of this TCK. I do not believe the stand-alone TCK is available yet. These tests have a similar issue as with Jakarta Batch since there is an external repository for the stand-alone TCK and there are tests in the Platform TCK.

Jakarta XML Binding TCK is developer tested and a massive PR is in-flight. The TCK should be ready for additional evaluation, soon.

Debugging Support ... We will need to get someone assigned to update (maybe just check) the Debugging Support for Other Languages TCK. I think the changes for this are quite minimal and if needed, we'll prepare a Milestone for evaluation.

I noticed the Debugging Support for other Languages TCK User Guide is not updated. As you and I have discussed, this may be a rather wide-spread gap. I suspect we will need a concerted TCK Documentation update effort.

Does someone want to take a shot at creating doc issues (or updating that give guidance to what needs to change for Platform docs?

-- Ed

On 4/29/2020 8:51 AM, Scott Stark wrote:
dependency-injection, bean-validation and cdi have milestone releases of the TCKs available in maven and the projects download areas

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 9:35 AM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could the maintainers of the standalone TCKs that are not part of the repo, please also respond with the status of switching from javax => jakarta namespace.


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