Executive summary
A +1 vote means you, as a Platform Project committer, agree we, as the Platform Project, will submit by 2024-12-27 the ballots for EE 11 Web and Platform profiles with a TCK exclusion
list containing all the non-passing appclient tests as of 2024-12-15.
Greetings programs,
As discussed at the 2024-11-19 platform project call (
and discussed at the 2024-11-20 platform TCK project call (
and in my capacity as release co-coordinator for Jakarta EE 11, I am calling a fourteen day BALLOT among platform project members on how we will meet the deadline of submitting the Web and Platform profile ballots before end of CY-2024. If this BALLOT passes,
according to the traditional process we use of counting binding votes, the platform project will proceed with producing the artifacts to submit the Web and Platform artifacts to the specification committee as described in the proposal below.
This proposal assumes the platform TCK project can get all non-app client Jakarta EE 11 platform TCK tests passing against
the GLASSFISH_8_0_JDK_17 branch when run with Java SE 17 and Java SE 21. If the platform TCK is not able to satisfy this assumption, this proposal is moot.
The proposal is:
- The Jakarta EE 11 Platform TCK is the fully refactored TCK. None of this hybrid business where we use the EE 10 Platform TCK for some of the tests, and the EE 11 Platform TCK for the rest of them.
- All app client tests for all vehicles and component sub-modules that are not running by 2024-12-15 are added to the exclusion list.
We start the ballots for Platform and Web by 2024-12-27.
This ballot will run for fourteen consecutive calendar days from the date of this email.
We will count the +1, 0, and -1 votes from all committers to the platform project as "binding" votes. Any other +1, 0, and -1 votes will count as "non-binding" votes. Only the "binding" votes will be
considered to decide if the ballot passes. This is exactly the same process the platform project used in 2023-07 when deciding which specs to include in EE 11. For example: Jakarta Data: