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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [EXTERNAL] DISCUSS: Define role for "maintenance release coordinator"
  • From: Edward Burns <Edward.Burns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:54:05 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Thread-index: AQHZxKd+G+okaWbDr0mJNd9pea6fiK/VxoDm
  • Thread-topic: [EXTERNAL] [jakartaee-platform-dev] DISCUSS: Define role for "maintenance release coordinator"

EB> In this thread, I seek the community's input on questions

EB> including, but not limited to:


EB> - Do we need this role?


Yes. I don't feel good about ignoring important maintenance issues

that are raised in the course of developing EE 11, but which do not

directly contribute to delivering EE 11.


I admit this could be considered as a part of my role as release

co-coordinator. If that is the truth, then I am simply not efficient

enough to do this part of my role and I need help.


EB> - How rigorously do we need to define it?


At this point, I think it can be fairly high level. I believe one can

make as much or as little with any role one is filling. Hopefully if

one chooses to fill a role, one will fill it well.


EB>    - If rigorously, what sort of things are in the role?


- Use the Azure Board to keep track of the work.


- Patch CVE vulnerabilities in the toolchains that we use to create

  our specs. For example, these two from Jan:


- Continuous improvement for the processes we use to get our work done.


EB> - How can we get someone to volunteer for this role?


- Pay them? Ideally in money, but perhaps in


   - swag


   - guaranteed session acceptance at EclipseCon or other conferences


   - product placement on some website properties?


EB> - Is there someone who is already doing this for us?


- Here I mean, is there anyone on the payroll at Eclipse who already

  does this sort of thing as a part of their job?



| edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095

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