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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [DISCUSS] Include Jakarta MVC in EE 11

Scott, I would think that having it optional would alleviate the concerns about being forced to support any specs.
Wouldn’t this solve the “chicken-or-egg” problem as well? First, introduce as an optional spec,
and, at a later time, see what kind of traction it gets, and then it can be voted upon to become a compulsory spec in a profile.

Disclaimer: I have not read lately what “exactly” an optional feature in the platform is defined as.

> On Jul 17, 2023, at 1:54 PM, Werner Keil via jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Well, everyone has just one vote and nobody has a veto.
> Of course for platform additions there's a "filibuster" kind of
> requirement with a super majority, which is also why I am not sure, if
> removing rarely used specs from the Web Profile is going to happen so soon.
> I'm also not sure, if adding it to the Web Profile would help, since MVC
> has the charm of little overhead and only REST as a crucial dependency,
> so it even works as an optional feature to the Core Profile for
> "Self-Contained Systems" with a UI.
> On 17.07.2023 21:47, Scott Stark via jakartaee-platform-dev wrote:
>> So a query of our WildFly development team has resulted in them not
>> wanting to be forced to support this at a platform or profile level as
>> they simply see no demand for it. While there is integration with
>> RESTeasy available, we get no usage numbers from that module. They
>> have suggested creating an experimental feature pack to gather Red Hat
>> community interest in non-platform/profile specifications. The
>> following Red Hat issue will track the feature pack:
>> For EE11 this means that Red Hat will vote against inclusion of MVC in
>> either the platform or a profile.
>> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 9:09 PM Edward Burns via
>> jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello Platform Dev,
>>> I have attempted to capture prior discussion about this topic from the following sources:
>>> Agendas: Previous agenda google docs
>>> 2023
>>> Monthly
>>> Regular
>>> 2022
>>> 2021
>>> 2020
>>> GitHub Issue: The corresponding issue in
>>> Platform-dev Archive: Any mails on the archive at
>>> Agendas
>>> ·
>>> o   Jakarta MVC
>>> §  Inclusion history
>>> ·        Only one impl? But the one impl is designed to be cross-runtime already (Rest Easy or Jersey).
>>> ·        Nobody is using it?
>>> ·        Nobody is requesting it?
>>> o   One implementation (Eclipse Krazo) that comes in two flavors: RESTEasy and Jersey
>>> §  TCK passes on GlassFish, WildFly and Open Liberty
>>> o   Spec is mature currently 2.1, ready for EE 11?
>>> o   Good lightweight complement to Jakarta Faces
>>> o   Builds on Jakarta REST
>>> o   A 3.0 is planned in the EE 11 timeframe
>>> Jakarta MVC 2.1 will not be added to the Web Profile for Jakarta EE 10
>>> ·
>>> §  MVC - lazy loading, partial page load
>>> GitHub Issue
>>> There is no discussion in the GitHub issue
>>> Platform Dev archive:
>>> | edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095
>>> | Calendar Booking:
>>> |
>>> | Please don't feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside
>>> | of your normal working hours.
>>> |
>>> | Reply anonymously to this email:
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