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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Platform popularity

Totally agree with your points. To be honest what you mentioned is exactly what I tried to do in my years as an independent and also at Oracle. I can’t do that as much in my current role. I hope others here can step in to fill that gap. Adam used to do the same thing. Hopefully he is still doing some of that.

It’s not just about talking about APIs in terms of Jakarta EE advocacy, it’s a lot broader than that. You have to send your message to CIOs, CTOs, architects, technical leads, and technical managers, not just rank and file developers.

From: jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Tobias Frech <tobias@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 5:31 AM
To: jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Platform popularity


What worked in the good old J2EE times was having an easy to follow and working (!) example front and center that showed what is possible with the technology.

I think this is the challenge for Java EE nowadays:

- Show, that it still can compete with all the new kids on the block out there concerning the features one really needs.

- Make architects and developers understand that having specifications and multiple implementations has a lot of benefits down the road (avoid lock ins etc.)

- Prove, that a system that shares the available resources is more efficient (higher throughput) than all this "let's spin up a new container for this function" stuff out there (scale up vs. scale out).



Am 04.12.22 um 19:12 schrieb Ryan Cuprak via jakartaee-platform-dev:
 My two cents, I think it has also lost attractiveness due to the cloud. Do you write a JAX-RS web service or use AWS API Gateway? API Gateway handles security too. Developers have had all kinds of shiny new toys to play with the last 10 years. Of course, they come with the ultimate vendor lock-in and a monthly bill that makes a cellphone bill look simple (data transfers, invocations, etc.). 
 We need to improve documentation, simplify creating a new project, and market it =) Perhaps the Jakarta EE Starter project should be renamed to “jBoot” or “Cloud Boot” etc.  


On Dec 3, 2022, at 12:56 AM, Vano Beridze <vanuatoo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We lost attractiveness - Oracle's delayed decision regarding Java EE 8, then donation to Eclipse, then holding on to Java EE trademark and related activities took really long time. Java EE was popular, because big names were behind it and actively pushing the agenda.

The developers need to stick to something that's not only works but also evolving fastly, brings them joy and job safety.

Jakarta EE 10 is a great achievement but if you compare it to Java EE 8, there are hardly any revolutionary changes. Java EE 8 was released 5 years ago.

What we mostly do is to make sure platform changes don't affect existing user base, instead of thinking mostly how to become the popular again.

What I propose to do is to have just two profiles:
1. Full profile - which is there to support customers who plan to use legacy applications.
2. Core Profile - which is where the exciting staff happens.

We need to do identify specs which does not have future and completely stop investing in them.

We need to combine forces with MicroProfile community, identify the set of specs which are critical to our success and bring them to life under one name as soon as possible.

We need to start thinking how to create good onboarding environment for developers and stop relying on vendors to do that. Jakarta EE starter is the good place to expand, add more documentation, real use cases.

We need to stop thinking that because Spring uses small number of specs, Jakarta EE is standard. Spring will never be Jakarta EE compatible and they could easily remove Jakarta EE reliance in one year if they wanted to.

Other popular frameworks also are not Jakarta EE compatible and if we want them to be, there should be drastic changes in how we do things. With the current process and dynamics I'm afraid in 5 years there will be proprietary frameworks and Jakarta EE as the failed attempt to have standard in Enterprise Java.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2022, 11:04 PM arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 7:22 PM Vano Beridze <vanuatoo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I hardly imagine a situation where Jakarta EE will be chosen over Spring Boot or Quarkus if somebody is going to create a microservice.

It might help us a lot if you were able to give some specifics about the reasons why you can't imagine that.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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