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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Attempt at EE10 dependencies, and a jakarta.platform:jakarta.jakartaee-api:jar:10.0.0-RC1


The staging nexus is provided to us by Sonatype. The license is renewed yearly. I think that the Eclipse Webmaster pings Sonatype when it is about to expire so they can waive the fee and renew.
For upgrading and any other questions/requests regarding the repository, please file a bug here 


On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 3:58 PM Jan Westerkamp <jan.westerkamp@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks, Scott!

@Ivar: I think we are running a really outdated Version of Nexus, because Repository Manager 3.0.0 was released 2016 (!) and there are current security issues (no details on the page version 2.14.21-02 by this CVE is affected too):

It looks like we are running the current version of Nexus Repository Manager 2:

How can we get the Staging Nexus updated? The current Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager PRO Version number is 3.37.3-02 (should be the same for the OSS version) - but I am unsure about the contract details for the Jakarta Staging environment. On the site ( it says the Licence has to be renewed in 51 days.

Ivar, can you push this forward to the right direction, please?

I think, we should update the Nexus to version 3.37.3-02 and then retry with jQA the Jakarta EE 10.0.0-RC1 analysis.
May be we should officially ask on the mailing list(s) for any concerns about the migration form Nexus 2 to Nexus 3.

An alternative would be to file an issue for Nexus 2 - should we try to go that direction too (additionally)?

Thanks, Jan

Am 09.02.22 um 15:07 schrieb Scott Stark:
Nexus Repository Manager 2.14.21-02

On Feb 9, 2022 at 6:07:26 AM, Jan Westerkamp <jan.westerkamp@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Scott,

I reproduced the issue and started an analysis for it.

This is a little bit strange and there might be more than one issue. I created an issue for the jQA repo with some details:

But as mentioned there, it looks like there is a bug in Nexus too, because it shows wrong timestamps in the meta data files.
Can we get the version of the Staging Nexus and check, if this is a known issue which can be solved by an update there?

I will try to get in touch with Dirk and Gerd on this.

Best, Jan

Am 09.02.22 um 04:39 schrieb Scott Stark:
I created a fork of the with an EE10 branch as the repo.

I created a 10.0.0-RC1 staging release of the jakartaee-api artifacts with the latest staged dependencies for EE10, and then ran the jakarta-ee-dependencies build using a repo.url="" style="font-family:Menlo,monospace;font-size:10.5pt;white-space:pre-wrap"> a platform.artifact=jakarta.platform:jakarta.jakartaee-api:jar:10.0.0-RC1, but it does not seem to have produced anything. 

The tail of the output on the mvn verify build was:
[INFO] Scanning model 'jakarta.json.bind:jakarta.json.bind-api:pom:3.0.0-20220203.130920-13'.
[INFO] Scanning model 'jakarta.el:_expression_-language-spec:pom:4.0-20200612.120118-1'.
[INFO] Scanning model 'jakarta.annotation:ca-parent:pom:2.0.0-20200214.130742-1'.
[INFO] Finished scan: 2201 artifacts (duration: PT6M30.741S).
[INFO] --- jqassistant-maven-plugin:1.11.1:analyze (default-cli) @ jakarta-ee-dependencies ---
[INFO] Executing analysis for 'jakarta-ee-dependencies'.
[INFO] Will warn on violations starting from severity 'MINOR'
[INFO] Will fail on violations starting from severity 'MAJOR'.
[INFO] Reading rules from directory '/Users/starksm/Dev/JBoss/Jakarta/EE10/jakarta-ee-dependencies/jqassistant'.
[INFO] Executing group 'jakarta-ee-dependencies'
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:ArtifactDependencies' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:ArtifactLastModifiedAsString' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformArtifact' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformDependencyDiagram' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Rendering diagram '/Users/starksm/Dev/JBoss/Jakarta/EE10/jakarta-ee-dependencies/target/jqassistant/report/plantuml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_PlatformDependencyDiagram.svg' 
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformDependencyVersionsByArtifact' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:Specification' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Applying concept 'jakarta-ee-dependencies:SpecificationDependencyDiagram' with severity: 'MINOR'.
[INFO] Rendering diagram '/Users/starksm/Dev/JBoss/Jakarta/EE10/jakarta-ee-dependencies/target/jqassistant/report/plantuml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_SpecificationDependencyDiagram.svg' 
[WARNING] --[ Concept Application Failure ]----------------------------------
[WARNING] Concept: jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformArtifact
[WARNING] Number of rows: 0
[WARNING] Creates reports about dependencies as GraphML file and PlantUML component diagram.
[WARNING] -------------------------------------------------------------------

[WARNING] --[ Concept Application Failure ]----------------------------------
[WARNING] Concept: jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformDependencyDiagram
[WARNING] Number of rows: 0
[WARNING] Creates reports about dependencies as GraphML file and PlantUML component diagram.
[WARNING] -------------------------------------------------------------------

[WARNING] --[ Concept Application Failure ]----------------------------------
[WARNING] Concept: jakarta-ee-dependencies:PlatformDependencyVersionsByArtifact
[WARNING] Number of rows: 0
[WARNING] Creates a CSV report about dependency versions.
[WARNING] -------------------------------------------------------------------

[WARNING] --[ Concept Application Failure ]----------------------------------
[WARNING] Concept: jakarta-ee-dependencies:SpecificationDependencyDiagram
[WARNING] Number of rows: 0
[WARNING] Creates reports about dependencies between specifications as GraphML file and PlantUML component diagram.
[WARNING] -------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  07:14 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-02-08T21:26:42-06:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Perhaps Jan can take a look at what might be missing configuration wise.

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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration. 

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