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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Java 8 vs Java 11 Compatibility requirements

Agree with Dmitry :-)

On Jul 9, 2020, at 6:22 AM, dmitry.kornilov@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Let me put my 2 cents here.
I’ll start with the summary:
I am suggesting choosing option #2 (Java 8 support only) for September release and release Jakarta EE 9.1 at the end of this year with full Java 11 support. 
Some thoughts to justify it:
  1. September release is at risk anyway because of summer vacations. In order to make it we need to reduce the scope as much as possible. The beast we can do is to drop Java 11 support.
  2. One of our goals is achieving higher release cadence. Releasing Java 8 version in September with a following Java 11 release in December follows this idea.
  3. All components have been tested on Java 8 but not on Java 11. There might be issues we’ve never faced, especially in OSGi area. 
  4. Some components may have 3-rd party dependencies which still use ‘javax’ and not going to migrate to ‘jakarta’ at least now. The sample is Apache Sanctuario used in Metro. Lukas may provide more details if needed.
From: jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Kevin Sutter
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 11:30 PM
To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>; JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions <jakartaee-spec-project-leads@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Java 8 vs Java 11 Compatibility requirements
This topic has come up on our TCK mailing list (  The basic issue is that we *may* have a mismatch on our stated Java support statements and what can or will be delivered.  I'd first like to explain the problem, and then suggest a couple of alternatives, and then ask for feedback.  We need to make a decision by the end of this week (July 10).  I'm moving this discussion to the Platform and Spec Project Leads mailing lists to get a wider audience.

The Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan ( states this:

Java SE Version 
For inclusion in Jakarta EE 9, specification’s APIs MUST be compiled at the Java SE 8 source level. However, compatible implementations of the Jakarta EE 9 Web Profile and Full Profile MUST certify compatibility on Java SE 11. Compatible Implementations MAY additionally certify and support Java SE 8.

Due to this "dual" compatibility requirement, the TCK is being built at the Java SE 8 byte code level.

Due to the stated MUST requirement of certifying on Java SE 11, Glassfish was going to move to being built at the Java SE 11 byte code level.

But, if we continue down that Java 11 only path for Glassfish, then we would not have an environment where we could prove compatibility with the Java SE 8 runtime.  And, that would prevent us from successfully delivering Jakarta EE 9 since we need to demonstrate both the Required and Optional aspects of the Platform.  (This is assuming that MUST==Required and MAY==Optional.)

We have been discussing a couple of alternatives....  Both of which would require an update to the Release Plan.  We're looking for feedback to help figure out which approach provides the least impact and best experience for our customers.

Alternative 1:
TCK and Glassfish would be built at the Java SE 8 byte code level.  The runtime for the execution of the TCK would be Java SE 11.  We would requireJava 11 for certifying compatibility for Jakarta EE 9.  We would notrequire compatibility testing with the Java SE 8 runtime.  We would still have TCK Jenkins jobs running with Java SE 8 so that progress could be monitored, but proving that certification works with Java SE 8 would not be a requirement for releasing Jakarta EE 9.

(To be totally open, this was the alternative that I presented to the Steering Committee today.  I was looking for a means of delivering Jakarta EE 9 without compromising the Jakarta EE 9 release plan too much.  Basically, looking to soften the Optional requirement of the Java SE 8 runtime.  During the course of the discussion, we came up with Alternative 2...)

Alternative 2:
TCK and Glassfish would still be built at the Java SE 8 byte code level.  But, we would flip the release plan requirements...  The runtime for the execution of the TCK would be Java SE 8.  We would require Java 8 for certifying compatibility for Jakarta EE 9.  We would not requirecompatibility testing with the Java SE 11 runtime.  We would still have TCK Jenkins jobs running with Java SE 11 so that progress could be monitored, but proving that certification works with Java SE 11 would not be a requirement for releasing Jakarta EE 9.

(Background... Everything we released for Milestone 1 was with Java SE 8.  We're already well on our way with the TCK effort.  Moving Glassfish to Java SE 11 could disrupt our progress.  Granted, we can hope for the best, but chances are moving to Java 11 will set us back a bit.  And, since Java SE 8's Extended EOS date continues to move out (it's actually further out than Java SE 11), then maybe it makes more sense to stick with the proven environment.)

The subset of Java SE features that were dropped by Java 11 will still be provided via Jakarta EE 9.  So, nothing else changes from a Release Plan content viewpoint.  We're just looking for ways to mitigate some of the risks associated with certifying Glassfish with both Java SE 8 and Java SE 11.

Feedback welcome!  Thanks!

Kevin Sutter 
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
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