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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Next up? Jakarta EE 9 in Sept!

Do you remember FishCAT? When do you think it could make sense to launch a similar crowdsourced testing/user acceptance/contribution effort for Jakarta EE 9?

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 6/25/20 5:02 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions <jakartaee-spec-project-leads@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Next up?  Jakarta EE 9 in Sept!

Now that theJakarta EE 9 Milestone 1is in the bag, we need to look forward to the full Jakarta EE 9 release!

The next line in the sand is Sept 16.  This date was selected for a couple of reasons.  First and foremost, it's a week before CodeOne.  This would allow us to make some noise and steal some thunder from the Oracle CodeOne conference.  Any conference sessions that any of us have secured for CodeOne would much more impact if we could talk about a completed Jakarta EE 9 release.  And, a secondary reason is that Sept 16 lines up with the scheduled JakartaOne Livestream.  I think we're all in agreement that a JakartaOne Livestream without some type of Jakarta EE 9 release would fall flat.  (Of course, we can move the date of the Livestream, if necessary.  But, for now, it's just another good reason to shoot for Sept 16...)

Using Sept 16 as the end date, I worked backwards and came up with this proposed schedulefor the Specification PR work that needs to be completed.  Since we now have this Milestone 1 PR work under our belt, we all have a better reading on what's required for these final PRs.  The big difference with these final PRs is that the Specifications, APIs, TCKs, and CI need to be complete and final.  Some minor tweaks to the APIs, TCKs, and CI could still be incorporate into a third digit update release (ie. 2.0.1), but the Specification has to be final (ie. 2.0).  So, how do we accomplish this?

The referenced schedule has a "PR Complete" date and a "Ballot Complete" date.  Each final Specification Version requires a two week ballot period for the Specification Committee.  Each of the "Ballot Complete" dates is exactly two weeks after the corresponding "PR Complete" date.  Thus, the expectation is that when the PR reaches its "Complete" state, it's ready for a ballot.  No more tweaks, updates, changes after that point.

These final PRs need to be vetted and reviewed prior to the "PR Complete" date.  We're taking an educated guess and indicating a two week review period.  Some may be much shorter (ie. JSTL), while others may take more time (ie. EJB or Platform).  But, two weeks seems like a happy medium.  I am in the process of updating the schedule via this PRto indicate when these PRs need to be ready for reviewing (if we want to make the Sept 16 date).

You'll notice that moved the "PR Ready" date to July 06 for the Wave 1 Specifications (Jakarta JSON Processing,  Jakarta Dependency Injection, Jakarta _expression_ Language, Jakarta Bean Validation, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Activation, Jakarta SOAP with Attachments, and Jakarta Interceptors).

And, in theory, any of the Wave 0 Specifications could also be in a "PR Ready" state (Jakarta Annotations, Jakarta Concurrency, Jakarta Messaging, Jakarta Persistence, Jakarta Managed Beans, and Jakarta Web Services Metadata).

Due to the various implementation and testing dependencies, I know that this Wave content will be fluid.  I also know that some of the Projects are very close to declaring their Specs, APIs, TCKs, and CI final.  As we did for the Milestone delivery, we just need to start this process to see how close we are.  If your Project has a standalone TCK and standalone CI, then you can probably complete your Specification PRs in relative short order.  But, if you have other dependencies on other Projects such as the Platform TCK or the Platform CI, then you'll be in the later waves.

That's enough for this note.  Let's start evaluating our individual Projects and determining what a reasonable timeframe is for your Specification PRs.  We can adjust the labels on your respective Epic Issues to reflect reality.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

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