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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] NEW VOTE 2: Leave Jakarta Activation in javax namespace

If it's already evolving, then it makes sense to been added to Jakarta namespace to optimize the evolving effort.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 4:09 AM Jonathan Gallimore <jgallimore@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 9:50 AM Tibor Digana <tibordigana@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
These votes had to finish one week ago.

This round of votes started 6 days ago, so they can't have finished a week ago.
They still continue. Why?

While I appreciate your frustration, we had some votes, which didn't reach an agreement. There's lots of factors, including backward-compatibility, resourcing the work to make the changes to the spec, making the bar lower for new implementations, considering whether the specs will potentially evolve, and, of course, the impact to the people who will use the platform. I much prefer giving a little more time for discussion and phrasing the votes differently rather than shutting it down without an agreement.
Architect's arguments about leaving javax in Activation API because Java 11 removed it.

When you refer to "Architect" - is that someone in your organization?
My question: Is Jakarta EE compiled with Java 11+? No! It is compiled with Java 8. Has the Arcitect realized that the modification of application server may cause classloader problems in J8-10 due to the package is the same? It is a perfect reason to repackage javax to jakarta everywhere.

That's already an issue as most app servers run on both Java 8 and Java 11. A number of servers are able to run JAX-WS on both versions of Java. My *personal* preference would be to migrate JAX-WS to Jakarta as part of the big bang move (so I agree with you, I think).
Next thing is very interesting. The Architect provided a link from Tomitribe with dependencies between Java EE packages. But I found that JSR-93 is used in JAX-WS specification as a dependency in he PDF/text. It is written in the text of the PDF and therefore the analysis of the dependencies in EE packages is not enough to do. You have to read all spects in EE, evaluate them and rewrite beforehand! Do it together with developers from TomEE, etc.

Can you point at where you're seeing that in the document? I have JAX-WS 2.2 open now, and the reference to JAXR I'm seeing is in section 1.2 (Non Goals): "Service Registration and Discovery It is not a goal of JAX-WS 2.0 to describe registration and discovery of services via UDDI or ebXML RR. This capability is provided independently by JAXR[18]."



On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 10:37 AM Jonathan Gallimore <jgallimore@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
-1 - my personal preference would be to migrate to the new package, particularly in light of Bill's proposed changes highlighted in this thread.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 11:33 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Please vote +1/0/-1 on the following.  Any non +1 vote, please provide reasoning in your reply.  Thank you!

Required (leave in javax namespace) - Vote
• Jakarta Activation 1.2

Jakarta Activation was one of the APIs dropped from Java SE 11 per JEP 320.  Several Jakarta EE technologies require the use of Jakarta Activation, so we can't make it optional.  It is required for Jakarta EE.  This vote is for whether we move this feature to the jakarta namespace (-1) or leave it in the javax namespace (+1).  The recommendation is to Jakarta Activation in the javax namespace.  And, if at some later date, this API needs to evolve and move to the jakarta namespace, then we can deal with the ripple effect on other specs at that time.

Note:  A -1 vote indicates that you want Jakarta Activation to be migrated to the jakarta namespace.  And, if we do that, then there is a ripple effect that will also require corresponding changes to jaxb, jax-ws, and soap.  Thus, a -1 vote here means that Vote 3 on the other Optional specs won't apply.  That is, voting -1 here and +1 on Vote 3 doesn't make any sense.  Check out this tool from Tomitribe:

Note2:  This assumes that all of the existing Specification PRs for these technologies are properly brought under the EE4J umbrella.  We discussed these at the Spec Committee call today and we are well aware that we need to move on these and get them approved.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
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