Speaking to a friendly JUG leader at Open Community for Java about this, I think I should be even more explicit about deadlines.
The Program Plan is due by the first week of November. To include a specific scope for EE 12 in the Program Plan, a reasonable level of consensus must be achieved by October 31 at the latest. Ideally consensus by October 29 would be great as this is when the next Steering Committee meeting is.
Hi folks,
I would like to see if we can define clear, compelling, and specific
scope for Jakarta EE 12 as part of the Steering Committee Program Plan:
I believe this is of critical importance at this juncture. If I did not
think so, I would not bother trying. I have detailed all the rationale
For those that recall, something very similar was done for Jakarta EE
11, so this isn't exactly without precedent.
I would like to see if this can be done in the following couple of
weeks, when the Program Plan is due.