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[] R: Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - October 4th, 2023

Hi All,

if it is planned to remove corba&rmi-iiop from jakarta ee 11, 
how will the ejb components make remote and transactional calls distributed between
both inbound and outbound ejbs?
In the slide(

presented at EclipseCon 2023,

it is highlighted how Managed Beans 2.0 will be removed and replaced by CDI.
How do you remove corba&rmi-iiop without knowing what it will be replaced with,
to continue having remote transactions calls between distributed ejbs ?
To date there are still many software that use,
work and continue to be developed by having remote calls between EJBs with distributed transactions....

Angelo Rubini

Da: <> per conto di Paul Buck via <>
Inviato: giovedì 19 ottobre 2023 18:03
A: Jakarta specification discussions <>
Cc: Paul Buck <paul.buck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Oggetto: [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - October 4th, 2023

Jakarta EE Spec Committee - October 4th, 2023

Attendees (present in bold):

Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu

Emily Jiang - IBM - Tom Watson

Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov

Andrew Pielage - Payara - Petr Aubrecht

David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez

Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative

Marcelo Ancelmo - Participant Member -  Abraham Marin-Perez

Werner Keil - Committer Member

Scott Stark - Red Hat - Scott Marlow  Enterprise Member

Zhai Luchao -  Shandong Cvicse Middleware Co. - Enterprise Member

Guests - Jakarta EE 11 co-release coordinators: Ed Burns, Arjan Tijms


Eclipse Foundation: Tanja Obradovic, Wayne Beaton, Paul Buck (chair)

Past business / action items:

  • Approval is requested for the minutes from the September 20th, 2023 meeting as drafted - Approved.


See the spreadsheet for updates.

Notes from 09/05 call:

  1. Scott to notify the EMO to provide guidance on question of is an new ballot required for the proposed refactoring of the CDI specification to break out the integration elements

  2. Question/discussion with regards to where “integration” specifications should live? Web Profile? What about the related TCK artifacts (which when passed bind IP)? Scott to follow up on this one. 

    • Proposal is to proceed to an EMO request for restructuring review

    • Platform Project to consider how best to handle similar specification refactoring in the future 

[10/04] Check in on where this one is at

Scott to follow-up with the EMO regarding a restructuring review.

Need to determine where best to link this revised process which is wider in scope, suggestion is to put it on, also then send an email to the Spec Discussions mailing list.

[10/04] The Steering Committee has been informed, the document can be posted to, is there a volunteer? Andrew to create a PR and Eclipse WebDev can approve []

Ideas to communicate:

Send an email to the public spec discussion mailing list to let spec leaders know

Q&A or FAQ to accompany the process

A presentation at JakartaOne Livestream in December? Audience of the document is mainly the spec projects. Could be a good one to add to an existing talk or segment? Explain implications to application developers.

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