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Re: [] [BALLOT COMPLETE] [DISCUSS] Approve the Jakarta TCK package naming convention ee.jakarta.tck.[spec]

Thanks Paul,

I really hope we can prevent waging the dog and might find us in a future situation, where our own project website can not be deployed (it uses legally the namespace ee.jakarta.*, but an implementation may interpret this as part of a TCK) or website issues got mixed up with TCK issues somehow... ;-)

And, using a different namespace does NOT solve the core problem/root cause - a well defined and managed project structure including naming is super important for long term success of a project.

Especially in the split up TCKs there are new important references, that need to be as stable and obvious as possible. A test of on spec might to reference a test of a dependent spec, i.e. to run the original test from the dependency TCK instead of doubling it to cover a required part of the dependent functionality.

With a clean (as possible) project structure and the resulting namespaces the spec committee can delegate responsibilities towards the leaf: The spec project.
And I thing that's the intention and best practice already, like the Eclipse Foundation did at a higher level.


Am 25.01.22 um 01:57 schrieb Paul Buck:

Hi Jan,

Thank you for your considered input. The Specification Committee plans to review the situation in our upcoming meeting and will respond to this list.

... Paul

On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 7:43 PM Jan Westerkamp <jan.westerkamp@xxxxxxx> wrote:
"Congratulations", you successfully concluded this ballot - but this might be a Pyrrhic victory:

I think the ballot result is far away from consensus - even when the intentions might be good - the result is not feeling like that!


Let me start with some project management or systems engineering basics, a short theory on project structure planing:

Within a project structure plan you define the structure of a complex system (may be of systems) for the inside and outside world.
This is done by defining a hierarchy, that reflects the real world (including reflecting the environment) in a (tree-)model at best, which divides something complex into manageable parts that could be referenced.
There are multiple ways to create the model, for a complex technical system (of systems) it is a good idea to look at the dependencies between the parts and reflect coherence to group things together.
The project structure plan reflects technical and organisational aspects, meaning Conway's Law is valid in both directions.

Design goal is: Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler!
Another: One change in the real world should be one change in the abstracted model.


PROJECT_STRUCTURE_NODE_ID_1       (this is a root ID)
In the case modelling a system of systems, the following could be added to the model above:

PROJECT_STRUCTURE_NODE_ID_2       (this is a secondary root ID)

The structure and naming of the IDs need to be well defined, because they are references.
Changes are VERY expensive and the price is raising from leaf towards root.
Regarding software projects using Semantic Versioning most of the changes are breaking ones, result in major releases - one exception might be adding (non required) leaf nodes, which would result in a minor release.
All software artefacts should reflect that structure and ID naming consistently in their namespace, but might have to reflect artefact type naming convention also and internal structuring additionally.
Another good design principle to omit conflicts is to have the same depth for every leaf  - or at least all leaves on one node.

Important: There is always a project structure, if not specified explicitly, it exists implicitly.

For Jakarta EE there is a project structure defined indirectly (thanks to David pointing this out):

Additionally there is a naming convention for Maven and OSGi on the eclipse wiki (thanks to Scott S.):

For JPMS there are references here:


[Eclipse Foundation AISBL]
    Jakarta[ EE]
        Jakarta Servlet
        Jakarta Server Pages
        Jakarta RESTful Web Services

Java package namespace:

jakarta    (specs root)



OSGi Bundles and JPMS artefacts are omitted here.
From the organisational perspective not defined in the existing documents and deviating in much cases are the names of the jakarta spec mailing lists (but there is a general naming convention at Eclipse for them).

Important: Root for the package name is "jakarta" and NOT "ee.jakarta" (for reasons, see first reference above)!

Note: Not using the same depth in the structure for specs, like for jakarta.servlet.* and jakarta.servlet.jsp.* creates an overlap and therefore does not separate the Java package namespace completely, which could result in conflicts!

Component specs handled regarding the structure pretty much the same as umbrella specs, but the naming deviates a little bit in Jakarta EE profiles.
The platform is organized in a multi module with one version for the sub-moduls (component specs could be organized the same way).

Implementations of the spec have relations to the spec too, but tests specific to the implementation need to be separated from the spec and cohesion is lower within one single spec.

Implementations (and most user applications too) are not allowed using the specs namespace (usually jakarta.[SPEC_NAME].*), with some small exceptions defined (in Paul's legal collection):

In general, usually at minimum the root ID (here the hidden Eclipse and especially Jakarta) is defining the responsible project organisation and is legally protected.
This exclusivity is necessary to protect the project from abuse of somebody else.
When somebody thinks, this is not true, unimportant or can be ignored:
Why we did the namespace change from javax to jakarta?

A few month ago, the decision had been made to split up the TCK into parts that belong to a specific spec.
Historically there where reasons not to put it into the spec project itself, like the non open source licencing and that it must use a different namespace.

What would be the obvious place to allocate the spec TCK?
Yes, into the namespace of the spec project, where the cohesion is the highest between the API and the spec document itself.

Java package namespace:

jakarta.servlet.jsp.**     (exactly:*)



On best practice in Java is to use the exact same namespace for unit tests as the class under test.
The goal here is maintainability: When a test fails, you know where to look at automatically (and being able to use package visibility).
You could do the same with integration tests too, but you might like to make it more explicit by adding .tck to it, i.e. in Jakarta Restful Webservices (*).

In the case of a failing test with a fully qualified class name in a stack trace of a log entry or in a test report, where to file the issue - which organisation, repo or bug tracker?
Right, this will be decided with the information available form the fully qualified class name.
But this works well only, when this is not misleading to the wrong direction...

This consistent project structure is even more important when looking at projects like Adoptium:
In the Adoptium project, AQAvit test suites generate additional QA to OpenJDK builds with a lot of integration tests on top of the official Java SE JCK ( i.e. by executing the Apache Tomcat tests).
One idea to improve the quality of Jakarta EE (and Java SE) even further is to let new Java SE Versions be tested with (even more) Jakarta EE specs and their implementations.
This offers fast quality feedback to OpenJDK (downstream) and software running on top of Java SE builds like Jakarta specs and others (upstream).

While the experts validating their own implementation with the TCK are usually very experienced, inconsistencies in the namespace might result in filing potential issues at the wrong organisation/project.

Meanwhile, a lot of API changes are planed for Jakarta EE 10, meaning a lot of additional TCK tests will be added.
On 2021-12-17 the Jakarta Batch spec asked, where they should migrate their TCK part, then Romain started with adding concerns about the usage of jakarta.* in general and now we are in a very intensive, ongoing discussion (for more detail on the technical aspects, see the parallel threads)...

But then - with the intention to come do a decision as fast as possible, may be too fast  - this relative unclear ballot was prepared (with a survey that missed options) and conducted - with a not very clear voting result (while having super majority reached).

Technically this ballot for "ee.jakarta.tck.[spec]" defines a different root ID and another intermediate ID ("tck") before the leaf spec ID as deviation from existing spec namespace.
Said short, it wants to create a complete separate project structure BESIDES jakarta for the TCKs!
This is in fact increasing the project's complexity and erosion and therefore decreasing maintainability!
With a high potential for forever...

As far as I know, this was not the intended result of the separation of the TCK to spec specific TCKs at all.
Being able to reference dependencies from TCK to TCK (parallel to the APIs) in a stable way is very important - we might not change this simply later without high costs (but of course lower than for API namespace changes).

A simple example for the consequences of this ballot:
With this parallel structure, when a spec is moved into Jakarta EE (i.e. from MicroProfile) the spec doc and the API goes to one new project, the TCK goes to somewhere else - another new project or being part of one big TCK again? Must the JESP enhanced to manage the new root?
The other way around is necessary when moving out of Jakarta EE to a "normal" project - does this feel right?
Remember:  One thing in the real world should result into one thing in the model...

Another formal aspect of making this ballot invalid potentially is the following question: Is the Jakarta EE Specification Committee allowed to create another project root ID at all?
When not, who is?

When the Jakarta EE Specification Committee values speed over quality,  then I fear Jakarta EE is heading towards a big ball of mud...

You may have recognised the recent news from Indonesia:
The parliament decided this week to move their capital city Jakarta (35 million mega city) to another island (Borneo instead of Java) with a new name (Nusantara).
Main reason is Jakarta is sinking and affected by severe flooding - caused by ground water abuse...
This is real mud!
And now they restart a green field (or better: green jungle) project.
Current budget: 32 billion $

Translated to Jakarta EE, we could do a clean restart too:
MicroProfile, Spring (both still on the same island), Python, Typescript or Go to somewhere else...

I instantly hope there is a bright future for Jakarta EE!
We are collaborating on a remarkable (and remarkable complex ;-) ) spec project that should value quality first.

At the moment, I am thinking about: Is the answer asked by Jakarta Batch one month ago as simple as:
Migrate your TCK from* to jakarta.batch.tck.*.

I think a little moratorium giving time for discussions and for finding a even better solution than the existing one would be helpful now.


PS: And than document it, at best including trying to define a more explicit project structure plan :-)

Am 21.01.22 um 10:46 schrieb Emily Jiang via
The ballot for the Approve the Jakarta TCK package naming convention ee.jakarta.tck.[spec] is now complete!  Thank you for your participation!

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu 0
Tom Watson, Emily Jiang IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle -1
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara 0
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC -1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Jun Qian Enterprise Members 0
Zhai Luchao Enterprise Members +1

Total 5

Non-binding votes:
Scott Marlow -1
Jan Westerkamp -1

The ballot has concluded successfully with super-majority positive binding votes.
Below is the formula for working out supermajority positive votes (2/3 out of non abstained votes):
 2/3*(10-3) = 4.6 
The package naming convention ee.jakarta.tck.[spec] has been approved by Jakarta Spec committee as a Jakarta TCK package name for you to use. You can start using it in Jakarta EE 10 TCKs if you wish.


On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 10:22 PM Emily Jiang <emijiang6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee.

After a long discussion on the naming convention of the Jakarta TCK namespaces, the Jakarta community chose the package name: ee.jakarta.tck.[spec]. 

I need your vote to approve the Jakarta TCK package name ee.jakarta.tck.[spec]

Per the process, this will be a seven-day ballot, ending on January 19, 2022, that requires a Super-majority positive vote of the Specification Committee members (note that there is no veto). Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by Specification Committee Representatives will be counted.

The Specification Committee is composed of representatives of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, Tomitribe, Primeton, and Shandong Cvicse Middleware Co.), along with individuals who represent the EE4J PMC, Participant Members, and Committer Members.

Specification Committee representatives, your vote is hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject). Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated.




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