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Re: [] BALLOT: Approval of the Jakarta Enterprise Beans4.0 Release Plan


On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 8:11 AM Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 11:21 PM Werner Keil <werner.keil@xxxxxxx> wrote:



Removing the old references before the JDK does is a good first step.


I would however hope, the EJB spec and team even fid a way beyond that to better integrate with Jakarta Security in a near future avoiding the redundant

boolean isCallerInRole(String roleName) throws IllegalStateException;


method in EJBContext as well? ;-)




From: Wayne Beaton
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 19:21
To: Jakarta EE Specification Community Discussions
Subject: [] BALLOT: Approval of the Jakarta Enterprise Beans4.0 Release Plan


Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee.

I need your vote to approve the Plan for Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0.



Per the JESP, this will be a seven day ballot, but since we must align with the review, schedule this ballot will end on March 4/2020. I require a Super-majority positive vote of the Specification Committee members. Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by Specification Committee Representatives will be counted.

The Specification Committee is composed of representatives of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, Red Hat, Tomitribe), along with individuals who represent the EE4J PMC, Participant Members, and Committer Members.

Specification Committee representatives, your vote is hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject).  Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated.




Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

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Carlos Andres De La Rosa | Software Architect

Mobile: +32465445631  

Skype: carlosa.dlr

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