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Re: [] targeting JDK 8 *and* JDK 11?


You replaced Java 8 with 11 in your MP tool chain, I cannot see any double execution of Maven Compiler, so you may have fixed the Javadoc issue at the cost of no longer working with Java 8.

The Moneta RI builds against Java 9 to 11 without problems, but we also use the dual compile option of Maven Compiler and both API and RI work with Java 8 demos.


carlos andres de la rosa <kusanagi12002@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb am Mo., 23. Sep. 2019, 14:04:
Hello folks

I already pass for this javadoc plugin issue with java 11 on mp fault tolerance spec if you wanna check below is a pull request that is compiling with java 11

I hope that maybe can help you

Thank you


On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:28 PM Lukas Jungmann <lukas.jungmann@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 9/21/19 1:13 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Thanks for the pointers, Lukas.  The jaxb-api approach seems to work
> pretty well.

the drawback of this particular solution is that the correctness of
module descriptor is not being checked at compile time by javac - ie if
ServiceLoader is used by the code being compiled, javac can detect
missing 'use' declaration in module-info and fail eventually; in the
setup used by jaxb-api, module-info is compiled against class files, so
no such check is being done.

This as such may or may not be a problem depending on the complexity of
the project in question and personal knowledge of its internals.

> However, javadoc isn't working:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:javadoc (default) on project
> jakarta.activation: An error has occurred in Javadoc report generation:
> [ERROR] javadoc: error - No source files for package javax.activation
> I even tried "mvn javadoc:javadoc" on the jaxb-api project and it fails
> for a different reason:

blame buggy maven-javadoc-plugin here[1]; what must work for me is 'mvn
clean install' and 'mvn clean install -Poss-release' (with
-Dgpg.skip=true eventually). I treat 'javadoc:javadoc' as nice to have
thing, so unless there is a strong wish and demand for that, it is
unlikely that I'll be putting in some solution for it (read as "IMHO too
much work for a little gain")

> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:javadoc (default-cli) on
> project jakarta.xml.bind-api: An error has occurred in Javadoc report generation:
> [ERROR] Exit code: 1 - error: module not found: java.xml.bind
> I played around with the javadoc tool by hand, using the options the
> maven-javadoc-plugin generates, and I can't figure out how to generate
> the javadocs for a module.  Have you made this work?

yes, I made that work - removing lines related to '--patch-module' and
'--module-source-path' options and explicitly adding '--source-path'
pointing to the main source roots (src/main/java etc) helped



> Bill Shannon wrote on 9/19/19 11:01 AM:
>> Lukas Jungmann wrote on 9/19/19 5:12 AM:
>>> Hi Bill,
>>> On 9/19/19 2:29 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>>> What's the state of the art for building a jar file that contains class
>>>> files that will work on JDK 8, and a module-info.class that will work
>>>> on JDK 11?
>>> Are you looking just for this or also for ability to have multi-release jars?
>> I don't need a multi-release jar file.
>>> Are you looking for slightly more advanced things like module-info being altered
>>> by the build as needed - ie because you have a main-class in one of the projects
>>> (maven-jar-plugin:3.1.2+ is required), or you want to include project version in
>>> module info (maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1+ is required) etc?
>> I don't think I need that.
>>> All JAXB/JAXWS related projects are somehow dealing with this as all of them are
>>> java modules for some time already and some of them are also multi-release jars;
>>> jsonp/yasson are another projects to look at eventually - should I pick up some
>>> examples, jaxb-api can be one of them - it is small project with module-info, a
>>> multi-release jar and compiles everything exactly ones[1], a project which is
>>> not MR jar but contains "old" tests which are now being run within JPMS can be
>>> metro-policy[2] (its double-compilation is going to be fixed in the (near)
>>> future). Old JAXB/SAAJ/JAXWS 'RI's are another examples should you be looking
>>> for bigger projects - note that I'm updating them these days to adopt recent
>>> changes in maven plugins, so what is there today, may be different tomorrow (or
>>> day after :-))...
>>>   Based on my experience, if you get on this path, my recommendation is to use
>>> Maven 3.6.0. 3.6.1 is safe if you don't need to use Eclipse Tycho, with 3.6.2,
>>> the copyright plugin does not work[3]. If there is a need for Ant, make sure
>>> 1.10.6+ is used because older versions do not work correctly out-of-the-box if
>>> the build uses a task from a library which is a multi-release jar[4].
>>>   As for what maven build plugins to use - general advice is to always use the
>>> latest versions.
>> Thanks for the pointers, I'll look at those projects.
>>> thanks,
>>> --luksa
>>> [1]:
>>> [2]:
>>> [3]:
>>> [4]:
>>>    The last time I looked at this all I found were kludges
>>>> that resulted in compiling everything twice, or very complex Maven
>>>> configurations that depended on using multiple versions of the JDK
>>>> to compile.  Is there a better way?  Is there an existing project
>>>> that would be a good example?
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Carlos Andres De La Rosa | Software Architect

Mobile: +32465445631  

Skype: carlosa.dlr

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