One area of interest would be a remote attestation API that verifies that Gen-Z component hardware authentication as described in this document.
There are many other avenues for API that would support this particular protocol, but our current focus is remote attestation including the use of hardware based technologies, such as TPM, to verify root stack
of the server end-point and to ensure that the application server has not been compromised.
There are no plans that I am aware of at the moment for such a specification. Can you provide some more thoughts on what such a Java language API would look like?
On 2019-04-08 10:47 p.m., Charles Dusek wrote:
Are there any groups planning to develop Jakarta EE support for for Gen-Z memory semantic protocol?
Our team views Jakarata as the platform that will match best to build out clouds of the future based on this technology.
We are interested in topics that are Java Cloud related, so not only Java EE or Jakarta EE.
On 2019-04-08 9:19 p.m., Ryan Cuprak wrote:
So the talks have to be JEE + cloud?
I filled out a few proposals of mine. Weirdly, I appear to be the only one? What's up folks?
Anyway, I will try and spread word on this.
On 3/28/2019 4:46 PM, Tanja Obradovic wrote:
Hello All,
I'd like to invite you to please sign up or suggest a topic for next Jakarta Tech Talk. Here is the
Jakarta Tech Talk spreadsheet.
Please note that we are welcoming all talks that are Java Cloud related. Our next Jakarta Tech Talk is scheduled for April 29th
Kubernetes and Istio for Jakarta EE Developers
Sebastian Daschner
Monday, April 29, 2019
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
Many thanks!