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Re: [] Maven Versioning Rules

I'm finally getting back to this discussion...

Comments below.

Raymond Auge wrote on 11/30/18 08:55 AM:
Let's work through the mechanics.

1) Jakarta will add module names to spec APIs at some point, some already have them.
2) Developers will implement modules against the spec API modules and their modules will require spec API by module name.

This means that at runtime, the module name of the spec API MUST be identical to match their "require <api>;".
Any impl that also provides the API, in order to work against the application code MUST NOT ONLY provide the same packages, it MUST use the module name of the spec API.

This is different from the past because in the past the only contract was the packages exported by the API and imported by the impl. It did not matter where the packages came from on the classpath.

However, in JPMS module exported packages are fundamentally tied to the module name of the API, they are sealed unit.

To recap, any module that provides both the API and an IMPL MUST use the spec module name. Is that what we are looking for?
I agree with the above.

To me this clearly adds some key constraints going forward:

- API modules have to be assumed to be re-usable at runtime.
If you mean that API modules must be reusable at runtime by multiple implementations of that API, I disagree.

Different implementations of the API, using (e.g.) different Maven coordinates, could supply exactly the same API (using different source code) and exactly the same module name.  A developer assembling an application would require the module by name but choose the desired implementation using the Maven coordinates.

- Implementations that package the API MUST adopt the module name of the spec API, AND they must NOT remove any part of the spec's defined module-info, they can only add, otherwise they break the module's contract. Is that what jakarta expects implementors to do?
I think it's more subtle than that.

There's attributes of a module that are clearly part of its "interface", such as the packages that it exports.  Other attributes are part of the implementation of the module, such as the packages it requires but does not re-export.

- The only way for implementations to provide distinguishing modules providing their own modules names is if they never package the API inside the module.
If they package the spec-required classes without the spec-required module name, they would clearly not be meeting the requirements of the spec.

If they package the spec-required classes with the spec-required module name, they might meet the requirements of the spec.  If the spec requires that only the spec-defined classes are exported from the spec-defined module, then the implementation module would not be able to export any implementation-specific APIs.

(I wish JPMS allowed multiple modules to be co-packaged in a single jar file.)

I'm not sure if the JPMS spec has defined exactly what constitutes the interface to a module, and what the corresponding source and binary compatibility requirements are, but that's where we should start.  It definitely should not be "just use exactly this".

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