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Re: [] Jakarta EE Working Group meeting September 26th at 12:30 pm EDT

Hello All,

thank you for joining the call today!

Presentations we used today are all in the Jakarta EE Community folder, in this sub-folder.

As communicated we'd like to use these GitHub issues to tack your ideas and input
    ● Beyond Jakarta EE 11 issue
    ● 2024 Program Plan GitHub Issue
            ○ Feedback requested ASAP (by end October 6th)

Best Regards,


On 2023-09-25 1:08 p.m., Tanja Obradovic wrote:

Hello All,

quick reminder about the call tomorrow at 12:30 pm EDT! Here is the ZOOM link.

Here is our Agenda

  • Review Jakarta EE 11 plan (Ed Burns) - 15 min
  • Beyond Jakarta EE 11 discussion (Neil Patterson) - 10 min
  • Jakarta EE Program Plan - 15 min
        - Review Q2 2023 Objective report (Tanja Obradović)
        - Solicit input on the early draft of the 2024 program plan (Will Lyons)
  • Open discussion - 20 min

Looking forward to speaking to you all tomorrow!



Hello All!

Please block the time slot for another Jakarta EE Working Group meeting of 2023.

The meeting will take place on September 26th at 12:30 pm EDT! The meeting invite is published on the Steering Committee Calendar. Here is the direct ZOOM link as well.

As always, we’d love to make these meetings more interactive and use them as opportunity to provide short update on the activities of the Working Group, but more importantly to  hear from members that are not currently involved in the Jakarta EE Committees and governance work, on how we can do better and what would they suggest the Working Group needs to focus next.

Here are some of the topics for the call. 

  • Review Jakarta EE 11 plan

  • Review Q2 2023 Objective report

  • Solicit input on the early draft of the 2024 program plan

  • Open discussion

We will announce a more detailed agenda and the speakers shortly.

Looking forward to talking to you all! Best,



Tanja Obradović

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Join us in Ludwigsburg! EclipseCon 2023 - October 16-19, 2023


Tanja Obradović

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Join us in Ludwigsburg! EclipseCon 2023 - October 16-19, 2023

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