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[iot-wg] That's A Wrap! 2019 IoT Developer Survey - A Big Thank You!

Hi all,

That's a wrap! Thank you all for helping promote our 2019 IoT Developer Survey and a big thank you to our organizers, the Eclipse IoT WG. 

Also, some social and imagery:

  • The 2019 IoT Developer Survey is now closed! With 3x as many responses as last year, we'd like to say thank you to everyone who participated! Looking forward to sharing the results! #EclipseIoT #ParticipationNation
  • That's a wrap everyone! A big thank you to all the participants who completed the survey. We are looking forward to sharing the results on April 1st! #EclipseIoT @Eclipsefdn #thankyou
  • You rock! Thank you for participating in our 5th annual IoT Developer Survey. We value your insights and look forward to providing you the great results on April 1st. Stay tuned! #EclipseIoT @EclipseIoT@Eclipsefdn

Thanks, Eclipse IoT Marketing Committee, and Eclipse IoT Working Group!


Jameka Woodberry

EU & IoT Marketing Lead | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

**Participate in this year's IoT Developer Survey**

Annastr. 46, D-64673 Zwingenberg

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821

Managing Directors: Ralph Mueller, Mike Milinkovich, Chris Laroque

Follow me on: Twitter/LinkedIn

Mobile: +49 157 5 8389252

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