Edgehog, an edge developer, traveled far and wide in search of home. He visited many Open Source destinations, but when he came to Eclipse, he knew he’d finally arrived. He learned about Paho, Kura, Mosquitto, Hono, Kapua, Fog05 and of course ioFog... and thought: “Let’s make Eclipse home for the Edge!”
******************************************************************************************************************************************** ECLIPSE BOARD VOTING - Friendly Reminder to All
Voting closes Friday, Feb 28th by 12PT/3ET
When people think of Eclipse, they often think of the IDE. Let’s make Eclipse stand for the future of technology for developers. If I’m elected, I would like Eclipse to own the mantle of IOT/Edge computing, especially as we actually have the leading projects in this space that have real code and are used in customer implementations every day! My goal is to establish Eclipse as a thought leader in this space, to recruit new projects to Eclipse that are Edge/IoT and developer-focused, and increase our membership. I would like to raise the profile of Eclipse in both early stage tech and large corporations. I would really appreciate your vote!