Hello Kai.
For Kura, we are packing org.eclipse.soda.dk.comm as the default implementation for javax.comm.
As you pointed out, our choice on org.eclipse.soda.dk.comm was driven by the fact that RxTx is GPL licensed.
In our tests, we found javax.comm fairly stable but we did encounter few glitches.
- We experienced a crash of the dkcomm native library when interfacing with 3g modems connected via USB. The crash was random and not easily reproducible.
- In long running tests, we experienced a memory leak from the native library.
- Support for non common serial port names (e.g. ttyACM, …) requires a code change in the native library. RxTx has an external properties file.
Both issues were not experienced when using the javax.comm implementation to RxTx.
Unfortunately, we did not go very far in debugging the dkcomm implementation.
The good news is that we found the two implementation to be quite compatible.
That’s what we know so far.
I think it is very nice to have one important home automation protocol implementation at Eclipse IoT this way. We will maintain it as a part of Eclipse SmartHome as it didn’t feel to be worth the overhead of an independent project.
There is just one concern that I still have before creating a CQ for the contribution: As EnOcean requires a USB dongle, the driver currently requires an RXTX bundle on the runtime. As RXTX is under LGPL, this is no option for Eclipse. What should
I resort to? I see that Kura uses javax.comm as an API and org.eclipse.soda.dk.comm as an implementation. Is this the recommended way? Is this library stable and reliable? In this case I would probably have to ask Orange to change their code to use javax.comm
instead of rxtx.
Any hints are welcome!
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