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[iot-wg] Fwd: [] Eclipse Foundation booth at FOSDEM 2015 - Call for Participation

I wonder if anybody from the Eclipse IoT community plans on attending FOSDEM? Please let me know if you plan on being there and/or if you would like a spot on the Eclipse Foundation booth!

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Benjamin –

Début du message réexpédié :

De: Benjamin Cabé <benjamin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 13 janvier 2015 19:28:11 UTC+1
Objet: [] Eclipse Foundation booth at FOSDEM 2015 - Call for Participation


FOSDEM, is a huge event taking place on January 31st and February 1st in Brussels that brings together 5,000+ developers from all over the world.
There are 400+ talks and dozens of tracks, from Embedded to Geospatial, Linux, Java, IoT, … and many open-source projects have stands as well, making this event a great opportunity to get in touch with open-source fellows.

This year again, the Eclipse Foundation will have a booth (building K level 2) and we welcome all Eclipse committers who would like to present their project to join us on the booth.
Please contact me if you plan on attending and would be interested in demoing on the Eclipse booth so as we can plan a booth schedule accordingly.

More info on the event at

Benjamin –
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