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[iot-wg] FW: Facebook Open Academy Winter 2015

Fyi, Facebook Open Academy is similar to the Google Summer of Code in that involves university students in open source projects. A key different o the Facebook program is that the students get university credits, not cash.  This might be a good opportunity for any IoT project to get some help from students.


We can discuss more details during the WG call.





From: Andrew Ross [mailto:andrew.ross@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: November-17-14 4:09 PM
To: cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Facebook Open Academy Winter 2015


Dear Everyone,

(please fwd or x-post as appropriate)

Facebook Open Academy is a program that matches top students with open source projects. Students work roughly 8 to 10 hours per week to complete features, fix bugs, and generally participate in the project's community. Typically they do so working in groups of 4 or more.

Mentors are expected to invest a few hours per week to mentor. The program also includes a face to face code sprint running January 30th to February 1st in Palo Alto. (Facebook generously reimburses for travel costs)

If you'd like more details, or to sign up to participate, please submit your project(s) here.

For what it's worth, I highly recommend the program. If you do decide to apply, please send me a brief note so I can put a good word in on your project's behalf. (andrew dot ross at eclipse dot org)

Kind regards,


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