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[iot-wg] IoT WG Unconference



I have updated the agenda for the IoT Unconference at EclipseCon Europe on Oct. 27.  This meeting will be open to anyone that wants to learn more about the Eclipse IoT Working Group and the different IoT open source projects.


The first part of the morning session will be for each project leader to do a quick update. A list of projects doing updates is on the wiki page. Please let me know if I am missing someone. I would suggest we limit each project update to 10 minutes in length.  The update should cover the following:

-        Project Overview: Short (1 slide) reminder about your project functionality.  This is for people who might be new.

-        Project stats: tell us how well your project is doing. Number of download, number of contributors, number of bugs opened, number of mailing list subscribers, etc.

-        Project plan: when is the next release and what are the key features.

-        Key Challenges: What challenges/issues are you having? 

-        Collaboration Opportunities: Where do you see potential for collaboration with other Eclipse IoT projects or other communities.


The rest of the morning will focus areas of collaboration for our IoT community. The afternoon will feature an in-depth discussion from Bosch about Vorto  (used to be called IoTIMR) and a general open session.


Everyone is invited to attend the unconference. You do not need to be a member of the Eclipse IoT WG to participate. 






Ian Skerrett

VP Marketing

Eclipse Foundation





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