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[iot-wg] FW: M2M Summit 2014 - Early bird discount on exhibitor package


M2M Summit is a conference put on by the M2M Alliance in Dusseldorf Germany.
I attended last year and it was a very interesting and well organized event.

The M2M Alliance is offering Eclipse IoT members a 10% discount on the
sponsor prices. Please contact Dennis Breuer if you are interested in
additional information.

Ian Skerrett

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Breuer [mailto:dennis.breuer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: May-07-14 11:58 AM
To: 'Ian Skerrett'
Cc: 'Benjamin Cabé'
Subject: AW: M2M Summit 2014 - Early bird discount on exhibitor package

Hi Ian,

We offer an 10% early bird discount on all prices of the attached exhibitor
and sponsorship package by May 15th. 

We would really appreciate if you could forward this to your members - at
least to the companies in the M2M Working group. Maybe someone is interested
in exhibiting at the Summit. Especially for companies from abroad, who might
have difficulties with the booth arrangement, we offer ready-made stand
packages. More information is available in the exhibitor package or at 

Do you think it's possible to announce that by email or newsletter within
the next days?

I also attach the latest M2M Summit press release with more information on
this years congress.

Best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dennis Breuer
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014 14:12
An: 'Ian Skerrett'
Cc: 'Benjamin Cabé'
Betreff: AW: M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers

Hi Ian,

Thank you for getting back to me.

You're right - the basic focus is on the keynotes and the two main plenary
sessions. However, we will have one Technologies & Developer Track with
three speaking slots. I attach the draft program for your reference.
Therefore your support would be appreciated, especially because we wanted to
win some speakers from the US and Canada. 

I forwarded your request to the program committee and come back to you soon.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards
i.A. Dennis Breuer, Geschäftsstelle/Office

M2M Alliance e.V.
Theaterstr. 74
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 88970-74
Fax: +49 241 88970-42
Email: dennis.breuer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ian Skerrett [mailto:ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014 00:37
An: Dennis Breuer; 'Dennis Breuer'
Cc: 'Benjamin Cabé'
Betreff: RE: M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers

Hi Dennis,

Now it is me who has been very slow to respond. Please accept my

It sounds like you are changing the focus of the M2M Summit to have fewer
parallel talks and more focus on the keynotes? Is that correct?  What I was
wondering is if there was interested in doing a track that focuses on
developer content. I think last year the developer content appeared to be
popular so I was curious if you were interested in expanding on it. If you
would like to plan a developer track, Benjamin and myself would be happy to
help with the planning and recruitment of speakers. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Breuer [mailto:breuer@xxxxxxx]
Sent: March-09-14 9:09 AM
To: Ian Skerrett; 'Dennis Breuer'
Cc: 'Benjamin Cabé'
Subject: AW: M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers

Hi Ian,

Sorry for my late reply. I was out of office due to embedded world and
carnival holidays.

Thank you for your interest to support the M2M Summit conference program. We
will have a few developer topics covered in the 2 days conference. Although
the conference program is reduced to two main plenary sessions without
paralel workshops as in 2013. The focus is on the keynotes.

What do you exactly have in mind regarding in conjunction with the Summit?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dennis Breuer
TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
Communications to Success
Theaterstraße 74
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 88970-74
Fax: +49 241 88970-42
Email: breuer@xxxxxxx
Aachen   Berlin   Dortmund   Stuttgart   Chicago   Paris   Peking
Vorstand: Dr. Günter Bleimann-Gather (Vorsitzender), Grant Mahmutovic
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Ursula Gather Amtsgericht Aachen,
HRB 8320

Von: Ian Skerrett [ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Februar 2014 14:54
An: 'Dennis Breuer'
Cc: 'Benjamin Cabé'
Betreff: FW: M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers

Hi Dennis,

I noticed the call for papers for the next M2M Summit. We will definitely
submit some speaking ideas. I was wondering if M2M Alliance would be
interested in having a more developer oriented event. We could do something
in conjunction with M2M Summit or do it at another time.  Is this something
you would be interested in discussing?

Ian Skerrett

From: M2M Alliance [mailto:office@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: February-25-14 12:24 PM
To: ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers


  See english version

M2M Summit 2014 - Call for Papers

Vom 20. - 21. Oktober 2014 findet der größte M2M Event in Europa wieder im
Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD) als zweitägiger Kongress mit begleitender
Ausstellung statt. Zur 8. Auflage des M2M Summit erwartet die M2M Alliance
in diesem Jahr über 1.000 Teilnehmer und über 60 Aussteller. Als
diesjähriges Partnerland sollen die USA gewonnen werden.

Wir laden Sie ein, sich mit einem Vortrag für das offizielle
Konferenzprogramm zu bewerben. Diese Einladung richtet sich besonders an
Anbieter und Anwender von M2M und IoT-Lösungen in den unterschiedlichsten


Falls Sie den M2M Summit 2014 als Referent unterstützen möchten, stellen Sie
uns bitte bis zum 30. April 2014 die folgenden Informationen zur Verfügung:

  *   Vortragstitel
  *   Name, Anschrift und Kurzbiographie des Autors/der Co-Autoren
  *   Aussagefähiger Abstract für einen 20-minütigen Vortrag
  *   Vortragssprache: Englisch

Die Vermittlung von Inhalten für den Endnutzer/Anwender soll im Zentrum
Ihrer Präsentation stehen. Die Präsentationen sollten als Fallstudien
praxisbezogen und lösungsorientiert sein. Dabei sind themenübergreifende
Erfahrungsberichte von Anwendern innovativer M2M und IoT-Lösungen besonders

Die Anmeldung erfolgt ausschließlich Online unter<>
über den Menüpunkt Call for Papers.
Wichtige Termine

M2M Summit 2014: 20.-21. Oktober 2014
Frist Einreichung der Abstracts: 30. April 2014 Benachrichtigung der
Referenten: 20. Juni 2014 Lieferung der Präsentation: 19. September 2014

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Eric Schneider
Vorsitzender der M2M Alliance e.V.

Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
M2M Alliance e.V.
Geschäftsstelle, Dennis Breuer

Theaterstr. 74
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 88970-74
Fax: +49 241 88970-42
Email: dennis.breuer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dennis.breuer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Wenn Sie keinen weiteren Newsletter bekommen möchten klicken Sie bitte

Attachment: Sponsor_package_M2M_Summit_2014_en-low.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: M2M Alliance Press Release M2M Summit 2014 30-04-2014_EN.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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