I really like the idea of
using Device I/O.
So the neither the API nor the implementation (of
OpenJDK) will be distributed by Kura from Eclipse? And
the downloaded version works out of the box without
adding Device I/O. But if it present, it will make use
of it? And Is that right?
On 10/16/2014 11:52 AM, Benjamin Cabé wrote:
Kura requests a works-with for the Device I/O API
implementation provided by OpenJDK. Kura has
withdrawn the CQ for Pi4J API and plans to use
Device I/O instead for GPIO functionality, as well
as serial communications as an alternative to RxTx.
+1 from me – it is a no-brainer to base Kura on
top of standard Java APIs, and this is clearly a
works-with since Kura can work without I/O support.
Benjamin –
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