On 11/19/2013 09:57 AM, Ian Skerrett
Can I suggest you guys focus on
deciding what will be the survey questions and how you will
respond to the results. I can guarantee you will get enough
results to any question that will satisfied any
statistician. However, if nothing happens based on the
community feedback then people will stop giving feedback.
Contributors must be able to contribute questions to the survey when
they want, and the survey should be updated consequently everytime a
new question is contributors. Those question will be contributed
whenever community feedback is necessary to drive a bug resolution.
This is pretty useful for "opinion" bugs where feud between
contributors can happen very fast. I gave some examples of questions
Each question should be attached to a bug (ie question entry in DB
must reference bug), and the question is removed when the bug is
After enough vote, one of the contributors would look at the result
and comment saying something like "Currently we have 884 out of 1243
users who prefer Red to Blue, so let's switch to Red by default".
The idea is that with this approach, contributors can go to the bug,
see question results, and decide how it will drive implementation.
Also it would be a continuous feedback always at the same URL, not a
one-shot feedback with a new URL everytime there is a new question.