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[ice-dev] ICE third party library contribution questionnaires


Now that ICE is migrated to the GitHub repository, we need to create Contribution Questionnaires (CQs) for our third party libraries.

I can't do this work on my own and it is a good idea for all of us to learn how to do it anyway. Basically a CQ is a description of a piece of third party code - that is, something we didn't write - that is used by ICE. This could be a bug fix that someone sends to us or it could be a whole third party library, like the VisIt bundle.

We will break the work up as follows:

Snakeyaml - Jay (done)
HDF5 - Anna and Jay
VisIt bundle from GitHub - Taylor
JME3 - Jordan

Alex gets a pass on this because I already did Snakeyaml. HDF5 will take some work, so Anna and I will both look into it.

More information on CQs is available here:

We need to have the CQs submitted as soon as possible, preferably by the end of next week.


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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