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RE: [higgins-dev] Telecon to discuss alternatives to Node

In this example, house/building could be an entity - that is quite possible - and in that example, the address can be its attribute. But address by itself .. its hard to imagine how that could be an entity. If we keep house as an entity.. then the relationship between a person-entity and house-entity could be has-a, owns, rents relationship.


Inactive hide details for "Drummond Reed" ---03/02/2008 12:03:39 PM---I know it seems strange that Postal Address could be a no"Drummond Reed" ---03/02/2008 12:03:39 PM---I know it seems strange that Postal Address could be a node (or DigitalEntity), as it is usually expressed as an attribute. But

          "Drummond Reed" <drummond.reed@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Sent by: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

          03/02/2008 12:02 PM

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"'Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions'" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



RE: [higgins-dev] Telecon to discuss alternatives to Node

I know it seems strange that Postal Address could be a node (or DigitalEntity), as it is usually expressed as an attribute. But we discovered the same thing with the XDI RDF model – you can model it both ways. And in the case of a postal address, it is hard to deny the option of the Postal Address being a node/DigitalEntity because a the addressable building (house, office, church, etc.) is certainly an standalone entity that can have its own digital representation.

So one way to model it is person as a node/DigitalEntity and house as a node/DigitalEntity and the person has a relation (“has-a”, “owns”, “rents”) to the house.


From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anthony Nadalin
Sunday, March 02, 2008 7:53 AM
Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions
'Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions'; higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [higgins-dev] Telecon to discuss alternatives to Node

So seems like a situation where we will continue to vote/discuss until we get the right answer. We left the F2F meeting one night with the understanding that we decided upon entity and the next morning it was node, and that did not seem to be a consensus.

We should not be tied to RDF (as that may change like other things have), we should name things because they make sense.

In diagram there is advantage to describing these as nodes, as Person Entity and then we would have Postal Address Attribute, as Postal Address is not a node.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

Inactive hide details for "Paul Trevithick" ---03/01/2008 11:46:24 PM---Although Entity was the winner of the vote, it was deci"Paul Trevithick" ---03/01/2008 11:46:24 PM---Although Entity was the winner of the vote, it was decided at the Higgins call last Thursday that we needed a dedicated call to


"Paul Trevithick" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


"'Higgins \(Trust Framework\) Project developer discussions'" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


03/01/2008 11:46 PM


[higgins-dev] Telecon to discuss alternatives to Node

Although Entity was the winner of the vote, it was decided at the Higgins call last Thursday that we needed a dedicated call to make sure that we’re all on the same page as to exactly what we’re naming here. We felt that we needed at least one of the folks proposing the winning “Entity” term to be present on the call before we can finalize this issue. The non-Entity folks were not convinced that we’re all seeing the problem (never mind the solution) the same way.

To try to get to closure, I’ve created: to pick a good time on Wednesday to discuss this.

One more thing...

Nodes don’t just represent people and their interconnections in the social graph. Nodes (along with Attributes) are the building blocks for representing
everything: People, Groups, Events, Documents, Postal Addresses in a Context.

Speaking of which, here’s an example of a Node representing some partial aspect of a Person Entity that has an attribute “hasAddress” whose value is a Node representing a postal address. When the value of an attribute is a Node, we call this a “complex” (as opposed to a literal) value. Literal values are drawn as squares.

[If you’re familiar with RDF you’ll see that a Higgins Node is almost exactly the same concept as an RDF node.]

If, after the discussion, we all think we really are seeing the issues the same way, then we’ll settle on Entity as the Node replacement, as it was the most popular term.


I did think of one other word too: “item”.

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