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[gmt-dev] Vote for Committer status for Brahim Khalil Loukil has started

modeling.gmt Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Mikaël Barbero has
nominated Brahim Khalil Loukil as a Committer on the modeling.gmt project.
The reason given is as follows:

Brahim has already made significant contributions to GMT/AM3:

- A GMF-based graphical editor for KM3:

- An Emfactic mirror zoo of the Atlantic zoo:

Therefore, I am hereby nominating him to become a committer on the GMT

The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 19 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Brahim Khalil Loukil must receive at least three +1s and no -1s
for a successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Freddy Allilaire
    Mikaël Barbero
    Jean Bezivin
    Matthias Bohlen
    Chad Brandon
    Hugo Bruneliere
    Marcos Didonet Del Fabro
    Sven Efftinge
    Arno Haase
    Frederic Jouault
    Bernd Kolb
    Dimitrios Kolovos
    Jon Oldevik
    Karsten Thoms
    Daniel Varro
    Markus Voelter
    Dennis Wagelaar
    Jules White
    Ed Willink

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