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Re: [gmt-dev] evolving GMT in a fully open process that allowsothers to join the effort

> Actually, according to this definition, FUUT-je's tool model IS a meta
> model. It is a model about itself, modeled in its own modeling language
> is not quite UML. Still, I think it is much more helpful for understanding
> what this model is about, to think of it as a model of what the tool knows
> about, modeled in something close enough to UML that anyone knowing UML
> understand it.

in oAW, the following (similar) terms apply:
- the model is what application developers feed to the generator
- the meta model is the domain model, i.e. defines the concepts
  available to the developer building the model
- the metametamodel is the concepts that are used to implement
  the meta model *from the generator's point of view*.

> Since '-je' means: 'Java environment', the model contains
> exactly those things that are helpful to generate Java code and anything
> related (DDL for example or XML), nothing more, nothing less.

the oAW doesn't contain Java-specific stuff. However, there is
a very elegant way how you can insert this "aspect" into the meta
model for your domain, i.e.
- the meta model just represents the problem domain, incl. constraints
- the additional "aspect" adds Java (or any other target platform specific)


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Markus Völter

voelter - ingenieurbüro für softwaretechnologie
Ziegelaecker 11, 89520 Heidenheim, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 73 21 / 97 33 44
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