I'm having some problems with creating a GeoWave data store. I have two GeoServer 2.7 instances - one on CentOS and one on Ubuntu server and they're behaving the same way. I'm using the jar I built from master (0.8.8).
When I fill in the connection information, it just spins. I also note that it's not possible to get to the GeoServer logs in another tab. I had to restart Tomcat to be able to use the GeoServer pages again. The GeoServer logs don't show any indication of an issue related to GeoWave.
I see this error in the logs: WARN [zookeeper.ClientCnxn] - Session 0x0 for server, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.io.IOException: Packet len1213486160 is out of range!
It repeats and then there's: WARN [data.store] - Error obtaining new data store
java.io.IOException: Error initializing datastore
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to connect to zookeeper ( within 2x zookeeper timeout period 30000
I ran nmap against port 2181 to make sure it's open. The error mentions :8080 though. That's Ambari on that server.
Also some questions for clarification:
1) Can the data source name be any arbitrary name?
2) Is there an expected timeout period where a failed connection returns back a message and the spinner on the page stops?
3) Googling the error indicates it may be related to zookeeper not having sufficient resources. I'm on a Hortonworks Sandbox and Zookeeper is green in Ambari. I'm to new with it to know how to troubleshoot well.
Any ideas on troubleshooting this? Has anyone else seen this before?