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Re: [gemoc-dev] concurrency-analysis branches


(no PR was prepared to formally ask to integrate this work in the master branch, it should have explained was the proposed branch contains. 
Our governance process is very  light, but a PR is a bare minimun.
I helped to align the branch several times by merging back master changes to concurrent-analysis branch but I couldn't invent the PR text, since it wasn't acceptable in the current state due to the regression on the example)

Ok to keep the henshin examples, I'll add additional update site to the studio so a user might be able to try this.

additonnal issue:

 the chocosolver is added as a flat jar directly in the org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaxdsml.api plugin ?  without any link or information about how to get it ...  (ie. how to get the source in order to debug)


On Friday 02 June 2023 11:49:06 (+02:00), Steffen Zschaler via gemoc-dev wrote:



I had thought this had been integrated a while ago?


Henshin is available from an update site here:






Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Zschaler AHEA


Reader in Software Engineering

Deputy Head of Department (Education)

Department of Informatics

King's College London


Director MDENet: the expert network for model-driven engineering


Visiting Scientist

The Francis Crick Institute


Email szschaler@xxxxxxx

Phone +44 (020) 7848 1513

Office Bush House, BH(N)7.01



From: gemoc-dev <gemoc-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Didier Vojtisek
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 10:44 AM
To: gemoc developer discussions <gemoc-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Julien Deantoni <julien.deantoni@xxxxxxxx>; Erwan Bousse <erwan.bousse@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [gemoc-dev] concurrency-analysis branches


Hi Julien and Erwan



I've (again) aligned the concurrent-analysis branch and master in order to prepare a PR to integrate this work (ci is passing )


but I've an issue with one of the official example that doesn't work anymore : tfsm


It raises the following error: about the chocosolver:


Diagnostic OK source=org.eclipse.m2m.qvt.oml.execution code=0: OK
Create RelationModelListener fr.inria.aoste.timesquare.instantrelation.listener.RelationModelListener@7f0ebf57
CCSL Factory
adding Adapter : fr.inria.aoste.timesquare.ccslkernel.model.adapter.ModelAdapter
inital computation choice -->1
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaxdsml.api.core.AbstractConcurrentExecutionEngine.performStart(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.executionframework.engine.core.AbstractExecutionEngine.startSynchronous(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.executionframework.engine.core.AbstractExecutionEngine$
     at java.base/
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

at org.chocosolver.solver._expression_.discrete.relational.ReExpression.decompose(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.extensions.timesquare.moc.impl.CcslSolver.fromLogicalStepsToModel(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.extensions.timesquare.moc.impl.CcslSolver.computeAndGetPossibleLogicalSteps(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.engine.AbstractSolverCodeExecutorConcurrentEngine.computeWithoutUpdatePossibleLogicalSteps(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.engine.AbstractSolverCodeExecutorConcurrentEngine.computeInitialLogicalSteps(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaxdsml.api.core.AbstractConcurrentExecutionEngine.computePossibleLogicalSteps(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.engine.MoccmlExecutionEngine.performExecutionStep(
     at org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaxdsml.api.core.AbstractConcurrentExecutionEngine.performStart(
     ... 3 more


Additionnally, the branch contains some henshin related content (in the example) but has henshin is neither part of gemoc (@eclipse) not available as a thirdparty update site, I'll plan to remove this content.


As I have no clue or real indication what this branch does and how the new solver work,


Could you help to :


1/ debug the engine so it can also work on the tfsm example

2/ prepare a PR description that explain what is done in the branch ?

3/ make sure that the henshin examples are saved in some other place




best regards


Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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