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[gemoc-dev] new GEMOC Studio official release 3.3.0 available

Hi all

 a new official release of the studio is now available on the download page:

(with more details here: <>)

Next milestone versions will be 3.4.0.yyyymmdd  and will add some of the work in progress we are currently doing.

Also note that we experiment a new discussion forum ( and a lightweight progress project kanban ( in order to better communicate about the ongoing work. Every one is welcome to "show and tell" about his possible contributions related to GEMOC. (both about use of GEMOC or contibution to the framework)

best regards

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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