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[gemoc-dev] Update on the gemoc-studio CI(s)



The 2 jenkins we use (the one used by the Eclipse organization ( and the one used by the GEMOC initiative organization ( have been improved. The underlying tool that enables multibranch build pipeline on integrated repositories ( has been improved to automatically filter inactive branches and is now published on maven central.

Feel free to use the repositories forked in in order to develop your future contribution to the GEMOC framework and enjoy the feedback of the GEMOC organization CI ( ) to make sure that your contribution will not  break the build when you submit it.

Best regards

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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