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[gemoc-dev] new GEMOC Studio official milestone 3.2.0-20191216 available

Hi all

I've published a new milestone version of the GEMOC Studio. The v3.2.0-20191216 is available on the download page: 

It contains all the accepted pull requests up to today (16th Dec 2019)

New and noteworthy
  • The studio is still based on Eclipse Photon.1
  • Several improvements and bug fix on ALE engine
  • Several improvements and bug fix on MOCCML engine (2 examples are now available in the Studio: SigPML and TFSM)
  • Simplified Concurrent API
  • Several refactoring to factorize the UI code of the engines (Launcher).
  • Added automatic creation of missing source folders
  • Upgraded version of thirdparties components (ALE, Sirius, …)
  • Improved continuous integration: migration on Eclipse new infrastructure based on kubernetes, UI testing now provides a video recording.
  • OCLInEcore is now part of the Studio
  • and many bug fixes

More details in the release note or in the changelog file at the root of each repository.

best regards

Le 06/08/2019 à 17:01, Didier Vojtisek a écrit :
Hi all

as announced, a new official release of the studio is now available on the download page:

(with more details here: )

Next milestone is to upgrade Eclipse base from Eclipse photon to Eclipse 2019-06.

best regards

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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