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Re: [gef-dev] GEF5 with e4 RCP and Tycho

No he is repackaging javafx himself - at a first glance those bundles are missing a require-bundle for org.eclipse.swt.

Rebundleing yourself (and you then don’t need the OSGi hook) is possible but you then run FX on the classpath which is working but officially unsupported!


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 13.02.2021 um 10:23 schrieb Alexander Nyßen <nyssen@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Hallo Kenneth,

please refer to the GEF forum for questions of this kind. It is the intended place. And please do not use the namespace „org.eclipse.gef“ in any of your own examples. It is the official namespace used by the GEF project.

I took a quick look at your example and it seems you are not specifying the for e(fx)clipse in your config. You need to have something like:

You can use the following debug hook to see whether it's locating it in the place you specified.:


Best Regards

Am 12.02.2021 um 23:42 schrieb Kenneth Keefe <kjkeefe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I have a large commercial application that used to be Eclipse RCP 3.x with GEF 3.x. I've transitioned it to a pure e4 RCP application and I'm trying to make it work with the latest GEF 5. I have been struggling with JavaFX and GEF 5 for a while now. To try and work the problem, I set out to create a small working example that can help me and hopefully others understand how to configure an e4 application with GEF 5. I also have a subsequent goal of building the whole thing with a headless Tycho build.

I am currently stuck and I hope to get some help to make this proof of concept application work. You can check it out here:

The README explains how to get it imported and running (although it is broken with a javafx problem). The README also shows the current sticking point.

Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas for how to improve this example. If you can help just get me past the current error, I can spend some more cycles on the next steps.


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