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Re: Moving GEF to Athena (was Re: [gef-dev] Re: Last build on today)

With the help of Andrew, I sorted out the version number problem.

Even though we define our own version numbers, PDE/Build looks inside our custom script and updates the version number for us, so I think the custom scripts we have should work.

Having said that, Andrew N. suggests that we move towards customBuildCallbacks for this. This is how the platform generates their docs.  I'm happy to try and get this working in our build scripts.

Also, just to clarify, by moving to Athena/Hudson (and away from modeling builds I assume), what does this change?  The way we kick off builds?  Anything else?

Is the idea to move all the modeling builds to this new method? Or is there good reasons to keep people using the existing infrastructure? 

Sorry if I sound a bit confused, but looking around at build related stuff I see:

Buckminster, bucky build, gan-o-matic, PDE/Build, Athena, modeling build, Hundson, and some sort of Build-In-A-Box, and now b3.  I'm just trying to wrap my head around the similarities / differences, between these technologies and understand what we "should" be using in an ideal world.

thanks for the help Nick,


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
it should, yes. Or allElements.xml, if not customTargets.xml

Andrew Niefer (discodan in #eclipse-dev or #equinox-dev, if you can find someone to ping him on ST to join IRC) should be able to advise you here, if isn't sufficient.

Ian Bull wrote:
Cool, I will try the ant _javascript_ thing and see if that works.

I'm still unsure about the hard coded version numbers in the build.xml.  It seems we have 3.2 hardcoded in the custom build.xml, but we are still getting the proper 3.5.0.qualifier versions.
I wonder if using a customerTargets.xml would work (then we wouldn't need the custom build.xml at all).


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

   So... turns out you're right. GEF's javadoc gen is completely
   different from the rest of Modeling.

   For example, in EMF, we have a doc plugin w/ a custom build.xml (so
   PDE doesn't generate one). This script calls So it's
   ant -> shell -> ant -> <javadoc/>

   Ugly, yes.


   In GEF, you do custom build.xml which calls buildDoc.xml which runs
   <exec executable="${JAVADOC14_HOME}/javadoc"/>. So here it's ant ->
   shell -> ./javadoc.

   I suspect that if you switched to <javadoc> from <exec> then you
   wouldn't even need to set JAVADOC14_HOME in

   Whether you'd get the same output from ./javadoc and <javadoc> is
   another question.


   Anyway, I've learned a valuable lesson today: read the sources
   before assuming what's happening in a build. :)


   Ian Bull wrote:

       Thanks Nick,

       I will check this out and see where I can get with it.

       I'm a little confused about the shell script problem.  From what
       I can tell, the doc (custom build script) is calling (through
       exec) the javadoc tool that comes with the JDK. This is not a
       shell script, but rather an ELF binary (at least on Linux).
        Does windows not have an equivalent tool, or does exec not work
       in Windows?


       On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx
       <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx

       <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:

          FYI, last night I copied the .releng I've been using to run
       GEF w/
          Athena in Hudson on
       <> <>

          into the GEF CVS. It's here:


          So now you can control what happens in Hudson directly from there
          (ie., the map file needs to be updated when you tag & release
       new bits).

          The job is here, and can be used for scheduled or ad hoc builds:


          Oh, and I never said I *wouldn't* do the javadoc stuff, only that
          there's a lot of things competing for my attention. Patches
          esp. of a translation from shell to ant of the script.


          Anthony Hunter wrote:

              Hi Team, I ran and promoted 3.5.1 M and 3.6.0 I GEF
       builds from

              The GEF team is good to go with the
              <> shutdown.

              I will remove the
       <> <>

              config from CVS.

              Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
              <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx>>
              Software Development Manager: Eclipse Open Source Components
              IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GEF / GMF / Modeling Tools
              Phone: 613-270-4613

              Inactive hide details for Anthony Hunter---2009/07/29
              AM---Yes, this was either
              Hunter---2009/07/29 11:36:53 AM---Yes, this was either

              From:          Anthony Hunter/Ottawa/IBM

              To:            Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              Cc:            GEF development <gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>, nickboldt+build@xxxxxxxxx

              Date:          2009/07/29 11:36 AM

              Subject:                Re: [gef-dev] Re: Last build on <>
              <> today


              Yes, this was either

       is an
              issue with the GEF (and other projects) JavaDoc. Nick
       cannot do
              everything, so he was not going to fix this one.

              Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
              <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx>>
              Software Development Manager: Eclipse Open Source Components
              IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GEF / GMF / Modeling Tools
              Phone: 613-270-4613

              Inactive hide details for Ian Bull ---2009/07/29 10:23:22
              played around with GEF and Athena last night, and by enabling
              Ian Bull ---2009/07/29 10:23:22 AM---I played around with GEF
              and Athena last night, and by enabling the path to the
              tool (and running the build), javadoc i

              From:          Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              To:            Anthony Hunter/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA

              Cc:            GEF development <gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>, nickboldt+build@xxxxxxxxx

              Date:          2009/07/29 10:23 AM

              Subject:                Re: [gef-dev] Re: Last build on <>
              <> today


              I played around with GEF and Athena last night, and by
              the path to the javadoc tool (and running the build),
       javadoc is
              being generated in the doc plugin.          Was this the
       concern we were having, or am I missing something?


              On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Anthony Hunter
              <_anthonyh@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
       <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:

                   Hi again,

                   As Nick says, EMF QVF is moving to Athena as well.
       So we can
                   likely get others to help too.

                   We can follow the recent platform p2 zips only as
       well. EMF
              QVT is
                   probably going to do the same.

                   Anthony Hunter _mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxx.com_
              <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxx.com_>>
                   Software Development Manager: Eclipse Open Source
                   IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GEF / GMF / Modeling
                   Phone: 613-270-4613

                   Inactive hide details for Ian Bull ---2009/07/28
                   PM---Nick, do you know what's required to get javadoc
              generated in
                   thIan Bull ---2009/07/28 08:18:10 PM---Nick, do you
       know what's
                   required to get javadoc generated in the doc plugin?
       (i.e. what
                   parts are not implemented yet). I cou

                   From:                 Ian Bull

                   To:                   GEF development
              <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>>

                   Cc:                   Anthony
       Hunter/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA, _nickboldt+build@gmail.com_

                   Date:                 2009/07/28 08:18 PM

                   Subject:               Re: [gef-dev] Re: Last build
       on _emft.eclipse.org_
                   <> today


                   do you know what's required to get javadoc generated
       in the doc
                   plugin? (i.e. what parts are not implemented yet). I
              take a
                   stab at some of this.
                   I got myself setup with Athena today, and I'm pretty
                   with what it can do.


                   On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Nick Boldt
       <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx


                               Well, FWIW, not everyone's worried about
       javadoc in
                               their doc plugin, or supporting legacy
       zip file
                               formats (sdk and runtime "runnable" zips).

                               EMF-QTV moved this week. MWE, Xpand,
       Xtext, OCL are
                               coming soon.

                               The revolution will be Hudson'fied. :)

                               Anthony Hunter wrote:

                               Athena is a non-starter until the JavaDoc
                               is fixed. We can tackle these in Helios when
              the other
                               modeling projects start to take advantage of
              the new
                               Athena technology.

                               Anthony Hunter mailto:_anthonyh@xxxxxx.com_
              <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx>>>
                               Software Development Manager: Eclipse
       Open Source
                               IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GEF / GMF /
              Modeling Tools
                               Phone: 613-270-4613

                               Inactive hide details for Nick Boldt
                               02:58:44 PM---> Nick, should we consider
       moving to
                               Hudson / Athena ?Nick Boldt
       ---2009/07/24 02:58:44
                               PM---> Nick, should we consider moving
       to Hudson /
                               Athena ?

                               From:                    Nick Boldt
              <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>>>

                               To:                      Anthony

                               Cc:                      GEF development
              <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>>,

                               Date:                    2009/07/24 02:58 PM

                               Subject:                          Re: Last
              build on _emft.eclipse.org_
                               <> today


                                > Nick, should we consider moving to
       Hudson /
              Athena ?
                                > The part that is missing I think is
       how to
                               the builds to the
                                > downloads site.

                               There are three missing pieces if you
       want to
              have the
                               exact same
                               experience w/ Athena as you do w/ Modeling:

                               a) javadoc generation in .doc plugins is
              - I'd
                               argue you don't
                               need it if you use Eclipse and install
       the sources
                               instead. Isn't the
                               source navigation in Eclipse (and
       javadoc view) WAY
                               more useful than the
                               canned, generated javadoc in Help?

                               b) Galileo .build file won't be
                               but you only need
                               to do that by hand, what, 4 more times
              now and
                               February? (2 RCs
                               and 2 GAs). For Helios we'll set
       something up.

                               c) Publishing is MUCH simpler. You need a
                               file, a boilerplate
                               promote.xml, and an entry in your crontab on
                               build.eclipse. C'est tout!_

                               Oh, and until I set up the weekly
                               automation you use for GEF
                               on emft.eclipse as part of the Athena system
              (see (c)
                               - this'll be
                               another crontab entry you control)
       you'll have
              to go
                               back to manually
                               tagging & releasing from within Eclipse
       using the
                               releng tools plugin.

                               But as to setting up a GEF build in
       Athena, there's
                               already one for 3.5:_

                               --                  Nick Boldt ::
                               Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling &
       Dash Athena

                               --                  Nick Boldt ::
                               Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling &
       Dash Athena
                               gef-dev mailing list_
              <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>_

                                           __                      --      R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1
       250 477 7484_
       <> |

              --        R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250
       477 7484_
              __http://eclipsesource.com_ <> |


              gef-dev mailing list
              gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>


          --    Nick Boldt ::
          Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
          gef-dev mailing list
          gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>

       --        R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |


       gef-dev mailing list
       gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

   --    Nick Boldt ::
   Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
   gef-dev mailing list
   gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |


gef-dev mailing list

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
gef-dev mailing list

R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |

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