On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Nick Boldt <
nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:
nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
So... turns out you're right. GEF's javadoc gen is completely
different from the rest of Modeling.
For example, in EMF, we have a doc plugin w/ a custom build.xml (so
PDE doesn't generate one). This script calls antJavadoc.sh. So it's
ant -> shell -> ant -> <javadoc/>
Ugly, yes.
In GEF, you do custom build.xml which calls buildDoc.xml which runs
<exec executable="${JAVADOC14_HOME}/javadoc"/>. So here it's ant ->
shell -> ./javadoc.
I suspect that if you switched to <javadoc> from <exec> then you
wouldn't even need to set JAVADOC14_HOME in build.properties.
Whether you'd get the same output from ./javadoc and <javadoc> is
another question.
Anyway, I've learned a valuable lesson today: read the sources
before assuming what's happening in a build. :)
Ian Bull wrote:
Thanks Nick,
I will check this out and see where I can get with it.
I'm a little confused about the shell script problem. From what
I can tell, the doc (custom build script) is calling (through
exec) the javadoc tool that comes with the JDK. This is not a
shell script, but rather an ELF binary (at least on Linux).
Does windows not have an equivalent tool, or does exec not work
in Windows?
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Nick Boldt <