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[faces-dev] Remove deprecated methods from jakarta.faces.application.StateManager


We discussed removing all or most deprecated things from Faces before. One particular class we did not explicitly discuss is jakarta.faces.application.StateManager

For instance:

   * @deprecated this has been replaced by {@link #saveView}. The default implementation calls <code>saveView</code> and

     * inspects the return. If the return is an <code>Object []</code>, it casts the result to an <code>Object []</code>

     * wrapping the first and second elements in an instance of {@link SerializedView}, which it then returns. Otherwise, it

     * returns <code>null</code>




    public SerializedView saveSerializedView(FacesContext context) {

If nobody objects I like to remove these as well.


Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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