Some days ago I tried to load LIRC packages in a bundle in
order to other bundles were able to use them, the problem was that these
packages used libjunixsocket.so native library, so I tried to include this
library in my bundle adding Bundle-NativeCode: header in the Manifest.MF.
My manifest is as shown below:
libjunixsocket.so ;
processor = i386 ; osname = Linux,*
I export from Eclipse this bundle and I get a .jar file
where If I unzip it, I get three files:
-META-INF folder
-org packages where are the classes which other bundles need
I also typed -vmargs
-Djava.library.path=path_where_libjunixsocket.so_is when I launch Equinox.jar
framework in order to say Ubuntu where libjunixsocket.so is.
But I have always the
same result:
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializaerError
I think it is caused by
the Native library, because of I have launched a simple java application
without Equinox with this packages and it worked fine.
Am I missing something?
Should I include
Bundle-Classpath: header?
Thank you in advance
My steps are the next:
1- I use Eclipse on Windows XP.
2- I export the bundles using Export funtion in eclipse
3- I install the jar files in Equinox framework using
console mode in Ubuntu
4- I launch Equinox in console mode in Ubuntu
Could it be a problem to
compile the Jar files with the packages which generate the Native.so file in
Windows while I am going to use in Ubuntu?
Thank you in advance