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Re: [equinox-dev] Framework launching and class loaders

The package has 2 "version" in your example. One loaded from a bundle and used by the ConfigurationAdmin service implementation and the other on the application classpath. You need to either use reflection to use the service (then you don't need the version on the classpath) or you need to configure the framework to export the version on the package on the application classpath from the system bundle (org.osgi.framework.systempackages.extra) so that the ConfigurationAdmin bundle uses that version of the package.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the
OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
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From: Jansson Patrik <patrik.jansson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/05/25 08:57
Subject: [equinox-dev] Framework launching and class loaders
Sent by: equinox-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I'm using the framework launching API to start an OSGi framework (which in this case is Equinox 3.5M6).
I need to pass some configuration from the launcher application to one of the bundles running so I thought
of using the ConfigurationAdmin service for this.
The launcher gets hold of a BundleContext (from the framework handle) and gets a reference to the
service; ServiceReference reference = context.getServiceReference(...)
But I get into trouble on the next step
ConfigurationAdmin cAdmin = (ConfigurationAdmin) context.getService(reference);
This throws a ClassCastException. The actual object returned uses equinox's class loader while the class I'm
trying to cast to, ConfigurationAdmin, is loaded through the launcher's standard class loader
(sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader in this case).
How can I go around this? Shouldn't I be playing with OSGi services outside the framework like this? In
that case how should I pass configuration from the launcher to the bundle?
-Patrik Jansson
equinox-dev mailing list

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