On 4/13/09 4:12 AM, Stuart McCulloch wrote:
2009/4/13 Richard S. Hall <heavy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
came up recently and we discussed it within CPEG. Felix is incorrect in
interpreting sun.io.* as a match for sun.io.SomeClass.
good to get a definitive answer, will the wildcard wording be improved
in the 4.2 spec?
Not sure about that.
other words, sun.io.* matches sub-packages of sun.io, but not sun.io
itself. This will be corrected in a future version of Felix.
so to match "org.foo" as well as it's sub-packages you should use
(because if you use "org.foo*" then that could match against
"org.foobar" as well...)
Yes, but I think only trailing package-level wildcards are supported,
e.g., org.foo.*, not org.foo*...
I could be wrong.
-> richard
-> richard
On 4/13/09 2:48 AM, raks81 wrote:
I have a bundle that uses db2 driver to talk to the DB. This version of
driver seems to be using classes from sun.io package. So when I add
org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.io.* equinox throws a NCDF error.
when I change it to org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.* it seems to
the classes from sun.io just fine.
I am using Equinox 3.4.1 (launching using pax runner 0.17.2). JRE 1.5.
Felix seems to interpret org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.io.* just
Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Stuart
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