On Tuesday 09 October 2007 04:28, Scott Lewis wrote:
Is there any existing LogService implementation that just prints to
System.out/System.err...that is in a bundle present for *all* Equinox
impls (not just Eclipse)?
Equinox in its purest form has no bundles in it besides the system bundle, and
IIRC the internal Equinox logger is not exposed.
That is, is there some basic LogService that can be used as a last-ditch
logging mechanism (if no other LogService is available)?
Pax Logging attempts to provide both OSGi Log Service functionality as well as
bridging of third-party legacy APIs such as;
JDK Logging
Jakarta Commons Logging
Avalon Logging API
KnopflerFish Log
Pax Logging consists of 2 bundles. The API bundle must always be present and
is what all the legacy code will 'bind' into when they lookup a logger the
respective way. The Service bundle can come and go to allow for upgrade of
the Log4J driven bakend, without taking down the entire application.
When the Service is not available, the API will revert to System.out (a
buffering version is under construction).
You find Pax Logging at OPS4J, http://wiki.ops4j.org