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[equinox-dev] Re: A problem while using OSGI together with ActiveMQ!

osgi> headers 39
Bundle headers:
 Bundle-Activator = producerapp.Activator
 Bundle-ClassPath = bin/
 Bundle-Localization = plugin
 Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
 Bundle-Name = ProducerApp Plug-in
 Bundle-SymbolicName = ProducerApp
 Bundle-Vendor = Wang Zhu
 Bundle-Version = 1.0.0
 Import-Package = org.osgi.framework;version="1.3.0",osgiproducer
 Manifest-Version = 1.0

osgi> diag 39
initial@reference:file:MyProjects/ProducerApp/ [39]
  No unresolved constraints.

osgi> packages org.apache.activemq
No exported packages

Computer School,Northwestern Polytechnical University

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