Good morning.
Forgive my posting if this is not the right forum to be
asking these questions. If so, redirection would be appreciated.
I’m having a spot of trouble with the Equinox EventAdmin.
It seems like the Equinox EventAdmin will not accept a topic that contains
certain tokens, producing:
Exception in thread "Thread-0"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid topic
The core OSGi spec defines a token as one or more
alphanumerics, underscores, or dashes (1.4.2 - General Syntax Definitions).
Based on my investigation, the Equinox implementation seems to have a more
strict interpretation of what is a valid token. Dashes seem to be
completely disallowed. Numbers and underscores can be present, but cannot
be the first character in a token. Overall this seems similar to Java
variable naming rules, but I was curious whether my interpretation of the spec
is incorrect or if there was a reason for the discrepancy.
Many thanks,
-Mike Furtak