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Fw: [equinox-dev] Incubator commit rights for Andrew Niefer

Wow. He's a popular guy. With 8 +1 votes, no -1 votes, and no 0 votes,
Andrew has received the necessary amount of votes required for commit
rights. Let the process begin...

equinox-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 11/02/2006 02:19:29 PM:

> The 3.3 plan contains a work item related to improving the launching
> experience.
> As part of this effort, Andrew Niefer has been working on the new splash
> screen prototype and JNI lauching support.  The new splash screen work
> ( also involves
> changes and improvements to the EclipseStarter to provide a startup
> monitor, of which the new splash will be one implementation.  The JNI
> support ( involves
> improving the communication between the Eclipse executable and the Main
> class. (and calling back into the exe from Main)
> He has provided several quality revisions of the prototype as well as
> delivered important relevant information surrounding the performance
> implications of such changes. We would like to put his work in the
> incubator for the community to easily consume and comment.  Andrew will
> continue to lead this investigation and I propose that he be given
> incubator commit rights to help facilitate this.
> Please respond to this list with your votes.
> Thanks.
> (+1 from me)

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