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[emfcp-dev] Commit Message Guidelines

Hello everybody, 
we have updated our commit message guidelines, please read:

We have the following commit message template:

(Bug <Bug ID> - <Bug Title>) | (TCI - <Fix>)

<Commit Description>?
Change-Id: <Generated Gerrit Change ID>
Signed-off-by: <sign off name and email>

Instructions (Please continue READING):
- TCI commits: For trivial code changes please use a TCI commit message. See list below for examples. If in doubt please discuss with reviewer.
- Normal Commits: For all other commits use a commit message starting with “Bug”. Bug reports with Proper Titles: Before using a Bug title for a commit, committer must update the Bug title to a reasonable and descriptive title for the task they have worked on
- Commit Description: Additionally to the title, the commit message can describe briefly (2-3 sentences) how this commit fixes the bug from a technical perspective
- Multiple Commits for same bug: Of course you may use the same bug and therefore bug title for multiple commits and their message, in this case please provide a unique description
- Reviewers responsibility: The reviewer is responsible also for checking that the bug title is descriptive and reflects the committed change and that the description if any reflects the technical change

TCI message examples: 
- JavaDoc
- Version Update of manifest and pom
- anonymous to inner class Conversion
- Renaming local vars, e.g. because of typos
- Externalizing strings


Eugen Neufeld, M.Sc.

Software Engineer / Consultant
EclipseSource Munich

Email: eneufeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobil: +49 176 22 85 11 50
Phone: +49 89 21 555 30 - 13
Fax: +49 89 21 555 30 - 19

EclipseSource Muenchen GmbH
Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1
80992 Muenchen

General Managers: Dr. Jonas Helming, Dr. Maximilian Koegel
Registered Office: Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 Muenchen, Commercial Register Muenchen, HRB 191789

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