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Re: [emf-dev] Please Have Your EMF and EMFT Plans in Place by End of the Day Sept 30th!


Your plan really only need to cover what you actually intend to do.  Things like vamping up the website, completing the build infrastructure, writing getting started information and other documentation are all reasonable things to list in your plan.  You could open bugzillas to track these items so that they can be linked into your plan.  It really doesn't need to be something onerous or fancy.  I'd suggest copying a basic plan, like EMF's plan.xml, editing it to turn it into a reasonable plan for your component, and checking it into CVS.

For SDO for example, I plan to say that we're effectively going to provide builds for it and do no further development, other than to stay current with EMF.  I'm even considering to stop providing builds for it entirely and gradually phase it out of development.

For XSD I plan to describe that only service and support will be provided.  Tentatively we (meaning me personally) might investigate support for XML Schema 1.1, but nothing beyond that, and even that's exceedingly unlikely to happen.  I'd heard rumors that Microsoft wasn't intending to support XML Schema 1.1 so the demand for it might be negligible...

Jean-Claude Cote wrote:
Hi Ed,

I've completed the temporality feature we discussed a while back. I
didn't finish hooking it up the the build machine. However it does
build and unit tests pass in the IDE.

Where do you want to go from here?


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Ed Merks <ed.merks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've been hunting through the EMF and EMFT website repository looking for
plans.  I've attached the PSF file for it.

Here's what I found for EMF:


Here's what I didn't find for EMF

Given that net4j is a separate component/project, it needs a plan...
No sign of a teneo plan.
No sign of an SDO plan.

The SDO plan is my responsibility.  Bad puppy for not having it ready yet!
Very bad puppy!!  But my EMF plan is rendering correctly now so you could
copy the general form.

I copied my from Christian.  Good puppy. Very good puppy!!

Note that if you copied an earlier version of the EMF plan please noticed
that all html elements need to be html: qualified or you can use <div
xmlns=""> to implicitly quality anything nested
in the section.  Also note that Nick described the process we're using for
marking bugzillas so that they'll appear in the plan.

I need to begin marking the EMF bugzillas appropriately; so much to do and
so little time.  Nick will help me update the queries so likely you can copy
the query style once we get that ironed out later today hopefully...

Of course EMFT is not escaping big brother's attention!

Here's what I found in EMFT:


Here's what I didn't find:

No sign of a search plan
No sign of a mwe plan.
No sign of a mint plan.
No sign of a jcrm plan, though I know Sandro was working on one.
No sign of an emfatic plan.
No sign of an emf4net plan, though I know Reinhold is working on one.
No sign of an ecore tools plan.
texo looks very empty...
temporality looks very empty.

Cedric is my favorite committer now. :-P  You too can win favor by making
sure your plan is in place by the end of the day Tuesday.  Failure to do so
will have unforseable consequences, that you'll probably not like.  Public
humiliation will be the least of your concern.  Given that EMF is a mature
project, lack of plans for its components/subprojects will be particularly

I personally still need to do the XSD plan as part of MDT as well.   I know
the old saying: don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off
altogether.  But the plan is a foundation requirement so please don't put it
off past the deadline.  I'm an Eclipse board member and I will be privately
humiliated if you guys fail to conform!  I'd like to remind you that misery
loves company!


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