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[ejb-dev] Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 for Jakarta EE 9 - Status


This is an attempt to catch up with everyone and get a view on what's missing for Jakarta EE 9.
I went into the PR's and we are looking good in terms of pending work and open PRs to review and eventually merge.

Now, looking at open issues

- I created 2 issues related to @Schedule being repeatable. We need to update the signatures and also augment the TCK to include somehow the use of the repeatable annotation.

- 2 issues probably need some additional checks on the api/docs

As Hussain mentioned, we probably need to check if the assertions have been removed from the spec. --> can now be closed --> only few items left. I left a comment regarding the javax package in the TCK. If someone can have a look.

Am I missing something?
Do we want to add more in this release?


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