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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Migration to Jakarta installation of Nexus

Hi All, 

Today will be my last day at Sonatype. It's been a pleasure to work with this group related to the migration and I hope the service continues to serve you well! For any questions related to the management of from here on out, please contact Joel Orlina directly and he should be able to assist you. For standard technical support questions, as was previously noted, simply create a ticket at and a member of the Central team will be able to assist you. 

Thanks and have a great weekend!


On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 1:08 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The settings.xml we use is injected by the Jenkins setup for out jobs.  If changing the settings.xml could make this transparent, that would help, but it appears that hasn't been done.

Unfortunately, that would also mean that builds outside of the Jenkins infrastructure would need to modify the settings.xml, which seems like a recipe for failure.  It's hard enough to get people to build using a profile instead of just "mvn".  Getting them to modify their settings.xml, or use a different settings.xml, doesn't seem likely to happen.

Putting the configuration in the parent pom and requiring people to build using a profile defined there seemed like the best we could do.  If there's a way to modify the configuration in the parent pom so that the build would work without using a profile, that would be even better, but I'm not enough of a Maven expert to know how or if we could do that.

Terry Yanko wrote on 1/22/20 8:33 AM:
Hi Bill, 

I got some feedback from my college Joel Orlina related to the issue above (he did most of the provisioning for jakarta.oss.sonatype). Here is what he had to say:

Typically, the server ID that the build uses is sourced in a Maven settings.xml file.  And I would have figured that their build processes sourced the settings.xml file from a Central location.  I can't recall off the top of my head whether you can specify a different settings file in a profile, but maybe that's what's happening.

Is this helpful at all?



On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 3:59 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The console output is here.

You can see that without the use of the -Pstaging profile it's trying to access instead of  Is there supposed to be something that redirects it to  Without that, I completely understand why it's failing.

How do you think this is supposed to work?

Terry Yanko wrote on 1/20/20 9:16 AM:
Hi Bill,

There should have been no additional configuration options required to release against the endpoint. I'm glad you found a partial workaround, but if you could please provide logs from the initial failed deployment we can help diagnose the issue. Also, consider creating a new ticket for this at which would raise the visibility of this issue to our other team members. 



On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 8:06 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I thought that all I would need to do to use the new Nexus was to change my
project to use the new parent pom with the new profile configurations and then
poof! it would all work just like before.

That appears to not be the case.

Previously I could deploy to the staging repository without specifying any
special profile; the default deployed to the OSSRH staging repository.  But now
I want to deploy to the Jakarta Nexus staging repository, so all deployment
operations need to specify "-Pstaging" to get the configuration for the new
repository.  And of course that means I can only deploy projects that have been
updated to use the new parent pom.  (There's probably a way to deploy an older
project without updating it, but I'll let someone else figure that out.)

I figured this out the hard way.  I sure wish someone had written this down.

What are the other changes I'm going to need to make?  In particular, how
exactly should I release staged artifacts and promote them to final?  Do I just
use -Pstaging along with nexus-staging:rc-release?

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